#pro tip is to just never ever check your follow list like just actively avoid it
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phynali · 2 years ago
Reminder that your dash is yours, and that for most of us, following and unfollowing isn't a declaration of friendship or value or respect or anything else.
At least, it's not for me. I follow and unfollow liberally and I don't mean anything by it, almost ever. It's not personal. It's very seldom because I suddenly dislike someone. It's just about curating my dash to suit my needs and moods. I've even unfollowed long term mutuals simply because their new hyperfixations vexed me (especially if they didn't tag consistently), and sometimes even refollowed them years later. Just this month I unfollowed someone I've followed for 8+ years (not a mutual but we'd interacted via my fandom sideblog) because our interests had been diverging for a while and I just no longer got any enjoyment from any of her new interests on my dash.
Meaning: I know I don't treat mutual following with the same sanctity as some. Because to me it doesn't dictate whether you/we can interact, chat, be friendly, tag each other, etc. Following someone is about the dash; interacting with someone is about interaction. Those aren't the same, to me.
I say this in part because I'm following about 1.5 - 2x as many blogs right now as I can reasonably handle and still enjoy my own dash, and it's been this way for a while. I'm at the point where I really need to change that. I normally wouldn't bother posting that I'm going on an unfollow stint, but I know that some people actively check and notice these things (I very genuinely do not, for the most part), and get anxious wondering why they were unfollowed. In my case, the reason is that I needed to trim my dash and diversify my content. That's it.
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houchlife · 4 years ago
Top 7 Law Of Attraction Tips To Manifest More Of What You Want!
By Heather Mathews Author of Manifestation Miracle      “Everything is within your power, and your power is within you.” ― Janice Trachtman Charlie, a stay at home dad, works out of his living room while looking after his three-year-old toddler. As a social media consultant, he depends on his laptop to make a living. The problem is that his beat up computer was as old as his kid, and it was always glitching on him. So Charlie kept focusing on getting a new computer – a 13-inch Macbook Pro in particular. Eventually, his old laptop gave out, which made him panic a bit. So Charlie went online to look for another one while having the shiny new Macbook in the back of his mind. After hours of searching, he couldn’t find a reasonably priced model. So he was about to settle on another type of laptop and was close to closing the sale. But at the last minute, Charlie decided to check the price listings for a used version of the computer that he REALLY wanted. And just like that, someone was selling a six-month old Macbook Pro for a price significantly cheaper than a store-bought one. So Charlie got what he wanted, and at a better deal than he had hoped for! Now, Charlie’s incredible stroke of luck seemed like a fluke to him at first, but then another awesome thing happened shortly after. You see, Charlie was also looking for a new job because he felt stuck in his current one. So he had his sights set on another company with a position in mind. The truth was that he wasn’t all that confident he was even qualified for the position, but he went over the job description again and again. Charlie even printed the job ad and put it on his refrigerator door so he could see it every day. A couple of weeks after his interview, he got a call from the company and said he got the job. On Charlie’s first day, his new boss told him, “Honestly, your skillset isn’t an exact match for what we were looking for. But I really liked how you did at the interview…and besides, we can train you for the other things you need to learn, anyway. You have a great attitude and that’s more important than being 100% qualified for the job.” Click Here To Discover the Lazy Person’s Secret To Get Everything You’ve Ever Wished For      Is It Coincidence - Or Something Else at Work? It’s easy to brush off Charlie’s streak as plain dumb luck, but could he have WILLED his good fortune to happen? After all, the common element between getting his new laptop and the new job was that he focused on both things intensely. Charlie kept it in his thoughts all the time. More than that, he created a detailed picture of his desired state in his mind. He imagined what it would be like to hold his new laptop and how he’d feel working in the new job he was aiming for. Charlie visualized both scenarios so vividly that he could almost taste it. Whether he knew it or not, he was putting the basic principle of The Law of Attraction to work - and it served him well. As the name implies, this law decrees that “like attracts like.” There’s a global movement behind this belief, and it says that the kind of thoughts you send out to the Universe emit a certain frequency – be it helpful or harmful. And you have the power to control the wavelength you operate on, which in turn attracts circumstances that match your energy. So by focusing on positive outcomes and giving out positive vibrations, you can turn your thoughts into a tangible force of good in your life! On the other side of the coin, dwelling on the negative aspects of life and focusing your attention on the things you resent attracts even MORE negativity into your world. Like Charlie, you can think of something specific you want, and hold that image in your mind. Create all the details that bring the picture to life, then believe that you already have it. When you go about your day thinking that the object of your desire is already a matter of fact… …this sends out a clear, strong message to the Universe that you truly WANT and BELIEVE it. But this is just the tip of the iceberg; there are other ways to raise your frequency even higher. By following these 7 Tips to Create the Life You’ve Always Dreamed Of, you’ll naturally attract everything you’ve ever wanted – and MORE:
#1: Set aside time to focus on what you desire
    The first habit is simple enough: give yourself at least 5-7 minutes daily to visualize the things you want to turn into reality.
You can do this by finding a quiet place to contemplate, then sit upright with your eyes closed. While keeping your desires front and center in your thoughts, breathe deeply in and out.
Focus on your breath and the sensations your body is feeling, and use that as anchor to keep your thoughts from straying.
If your mind does go on a tangent, gently bring yourself back to your breathing AND your desired future state.
You’ll get a lot of benefits from doing this for just a few minutes every day. For instance, many studies have proven the stress-reducing properties of meditation.
A study at the Massachusetts General Hospital showed that people who tried their meditation program experienced significantly less health problems than before.
They ended up not having to see a doctor or go to the emergency room, saving them about $2,300 in medical costs for EACH person!
On top of that of course, meditation also helps you keep your eye on the prize and give you the determination to make it happen.
Some people however, have trouble meditating and get easily distracted.
If you need a little guidance with this habit, I’ve got a special gift for you – but more on that later…
MORE ABOUT  Motivational / Transformational
#2: Be grateful and practice gratitude
    Ever hear the expression “Thank your lucky stars”?
Back in ancient times, people believed that celestial bodies played a huge role in someone’s destiny.
Today, many still believe that these same external forces affect our lives.
The Law of Attraction draws from this belief, and it states that we should be gratefull whenever the Universe sends something good our way.
This is another way of fine tuning your frequency. When you actively pay attention to the positive things that happen around you, it acts like a magnet that attracts similar things.
And by being thankful for your blessings, you’re sending a powerful message to the Universe that essentially translates to:
“Thank you, that was awesome! More please!”
MORE ABOUT  Motivational / Transformational
#3: Take a leap of faith
    The main challenge that people have with manifesting their desires is dealing with the world of the intangible.
It can be daunting (and even discouraging) to imagine a future outcome that hasn’t happened yet.
It takes some faith to push past that hazy uncertainty, and not everyone has it in them to do so.
So you need to check your inner Doubting Thomas at the door for a moment and appreciate how other people have used the Law of Attraction to succeed.
Consider the great figures from the past: Albert Einstein, Nelson Mandela, Marie Curie, Vincent Van Gogh and Nikola Tesla.
All of them were shining examples of how they used their mind and willpower to create something valuable in this world.
They raised their own frequency and as result, had a different energy from the rest of humanity.
Even though they’re gone, their legacy lives on, and we can still feel its impact today.
It’s all because they took a brave step into the unknown.
Even though they couldn’t see how their work would ripple through the next several decades, they still powered through.
The skepticism that people have is the result of growing up.
As you get older and have more experiences, a certain amount of jadedness sets in.
That’s why you won’t find any of that in kids. Just think about how children play make-believe.
When they yell, “The floor is lava!” you can bet they’ll be scrambling for the nearest couch or chair to avoid getting “burned.”
On a certain level, they TRULY believe that the floor is literally molten rock.
They can see the hot, glowing lava, burning everything its path…
…and they do everything to stay out of its way.
That’s the power the mind and imagination in action.
Learn how to see the world on this level again. That way, you can see a bright future before it happens – then go on to make it a reality.
Click Here To Learn How to Force the Universe to Manifest Your Dream Life 
MORE ABOUT  Motivational / Transformational
#4: Keep on keepin’ on
One of the realities of this world is that you can’t eliminate adversity.
It’s always going to be an uphill climb at some point, especially when you’ve just taken on a new challenge.
You’ve been eating right and working out, but the pounds aren’t quite flying off as you’d hoped.
You started a side income project, but your cash flow hasn’t been anything more than a trickle.
You’ve tried beating your depression with exercise, therapy and medication, but the dark thoughts still charge at you like a freight train.
That’s called RESISTANCE.
It will always be there, even as you dig deep and do everything in your power to manifest the reality you want.
Being a grown-up means expecting those external circumstances to work against you.
Your best response? PUSH BACK.
Keep your inner world together, and the outside world will follow suit.
Dumbledore once told Harry Potter, “Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it.”
Remember: the hero of the story is never a one-person army.
Harry had Hermione and Ron.
Luke had Obi-Wan and Yoda.
And you don’t have to fly solo in YOUR journey.
Think about the people in your inner circle – are they giving you the energy, motivation and inspiration to succeed?
If the company you keep sneers at growth and being better, maybe it’s time to look for other friends to round out your squad.
Seek people who lead by example and can show you how to overcome that resistance in your life.
Learn from them and let their enthusiasm rub off you.
While you’re at it, use technology to connect to like-minded folks who can help you in your quest. Open your phone or laptop and fire up YouTube, Vimeo or any other video streaming site.
TED talks, self-help lectures and tons of other empowering content are literally at your fingertips.
The Universe has too much abundance for you to ignore.
We’re part of a vast human network, and our collective energy affects everyone else in ways we can’t yet fully comprehend.
This network has always been around; the Internet merely accelerated it. Tap into it and unleash its power.
MORE ABOUT  Motivational / Transformational
#5: Tune out your Negative Ned (or Nancy)
    There’s always that voice in the back of your head that kicks in when life gets tough.
It loves whispering things in your ear, usually at the height of your frustration and despair:
- “You totally blew that one, why do you even bother trying?”
- “You had one job and you screwed it up like always…I’m not even surprised.”
- “Getting back on the horse, are we? I give it a week before you go back to your old ways. Better to quit while you’re ahead!”
- “You actually thought he was complimenting you? Oh, bless your heart…it’s called ‘small talk’ and ‘being nice’.”
If you’re like the rest of the human species, you’re going to run into those nasty folks called insecurity, self-doubt and fear.
They’re going to take up space in your head and try to drown you out with their noise.
Rumi, a 13th-century Persian poet and scholar, knew this well. It his poem “The Guest House”, he spoke an ancient truth about the human condition.
He likened all our thoughts and feelings – both good and bad – as visitors who stopped by the guest house of the soul.
And this line struck me the most:
“The dark thought, the shame, the malice. Meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.”
Once I understood what it meant, I realized that I didn’t have to resist it. I could simply let my obnoxious guests do their thing, and see them out.
It’s not about covering your ears and going, “La la la la! I can’t hear you!”
Acknowledging their existence in your head is NOT the same as letting them win.
The world’s greatest achievers go through bouts of darkness and anger like everyone else.
The main difference is that they use their failures as material for an instruction manual called “What NOT to Do and How to Do It Better The Next Time Around”.
MORE ABOUT  Motivational / Transformational
#6: Ditch your story
    You shouldn’t stop at managing your negative thoughts, however. You need to peel back another layer and go deeper.
Here’s the thing: you grew up on a set of beliefs, whether you’re aware of it or not.
Your parents, teachers, friends and pretty much everyone you knew growing up contributed to your programming.
You don’t know it, but you operate on this programming on a daily basis.
And it influences every decision you make – and how you choose to see the world.
Now this can be a good thing if you grew up around people who were positive, motivated and had a good outlook on life…
…but this is the real world we’re talking about, so NOT everyone had that kind of effect on you.
Somewhere along your journey, someone discouraged you in a subtle way, or put some sort of label that you can’t shake off.
Words like “Underachiever”, “Oddball”, “Loser”, “Nerd”, “Small Fry”, “Ugly Duckling” and “Black Sheep” come to mind…
…and each one is damaging in its own toxic way.
Sadly, most people carry this invisible weight their whole life.
But starting today, you can lay those bricks on the ground and walk away for good. You don’t have to carry that weight for anyone, especially not for THEM.
Stop living your story based on the false narrative that your negative programming created.
All those preconceived beliefs need to go if you want to attract happiness and prosperity in your life.
I’ve seen people achieve INCREDIBLE things – even the impossible – just by doing this one thing.
Lionel, a heroin addict from Michigan, was in and out of jail for the longest time.
But after overdosing within an inch of his life, he decided to ditch his old story.
Even after everyone gave up on Lionel and called him a “screw-up”, he turned it all around.
He let go of the labels that people had been putting on him for YEARS…
…and Lionel decided he didn’t have to be any of those things anymore.
Lionel created a NEW story for himself – one where he was finally free of his crippling addiction and lived a clean, sober life.
What kind of story do YOU want to live out?
MORE ABOUT  Motivational / Transformational
#7: Make your affirmations “pop”
    You might have heard of people making declarations about themselves to manifest them as truth, and not just as an opinion.
When you affirm some truth about yourself, it validates the awesomeness within you.
Words of kindness heal the soul and help forgive past failures.
In short, it’s about LOVING yourself.
After all, you can’t give what you don’t have.
However, saying “Boy I sure love myself!” doesn’t quite do the trick.
To make your affirmations stick in your subconscious, it needs to have a little something extra.
Don’t stop at “I love me!”- take it up another notch to really drive the point home.
Try these on for size:
- “I love myself so much that I want to use my gifts and share them with the world. I want to take this love inside me and use it to lift other people up.”
- “By sharing the love I have, I possess the power to change myself for the better, and the world around me.”
- “I am love, light, peace and prosperity. Anger, hate and scarcity have no power over me.”
- Aside from loving yourself, you can also infuse a dash of humor in your affirmations. Who says you have to be so grim with his Law of Attraction stuff, anyway?
When you add a bit of levity while you affirm yourself, it shushes your Negative Ned (or Nancy) into silence.
Try coming up with statements like these:
- “I’m so awesome that I kick mediocrity in its big fat butt!”
- “I’ve come here to be awesome at everything I do and kick major butt. And I’m all out of butts to kick.”
- “Did you say something, self-doubt? Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of my awesomeness!”
It’s all a matter of finding the right attitude and tone that suits you. Take a crack at making these affirmations, and you’ll soon find your true inner voice.
What matters is that you inject your affirmations with a serious amount of attitude, and above all, ENERGY.
Without that energy, you won’t give your messages enough “juice” to reach the Universe and show up on its radar.
Those who practice the Law of Attraction often combine these affirmations with their meditation sessions to hit two birds with one stone.
And the results are nothing short of phenomenal.
Now, about that gift I promised you earlier…
To make the MOST out of your meditation, I’ve got a series of audio tracks to help you manifest incredible benefits in your life.
If you want to be the picture of health…
…naturally create wealth wherever you go…
…and enjoy authentic, fulfilling relationships…
…you can achieve ALL of that by simply claiming your FREE gift below:
100% FREE Meditation MP3 Audio Tracks – DOWNLOAD THEM HERE 
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bentonluna · 5 years ago
Top 7 Law of Attraction Tips to Manifest More of What You Want!
By Heather Mathews Author of Manifestation Miracle  
Everything is within your power, and your power is within you.” ― Janice Trachtman Charlie, a stay at home dad, works out of his living room while looking after his three-year-old toddler. As a social media consultant, he depends on his laptop to make a living. The problem is that his beat up computer was as old as his kid, and it was always glitching on him. So Charlie kept focusing on getting a new computer – a 13-inch Macbook Pro in particular. Eventually, his old laptop gave out, which made him panic a bit. So Charlie went online to look for another one while having the shiny new Macbook in the back of his mind. After hours of searching, he couldn’t find a reasonably priced model. So he was about to settle on another type of laptop and was close to closing the sale. But at the last minute, Charlie decided to check the price listings for a used version of the computer that he REALLY wanted. And just like that, someone was selling a six-month old Macbook Pro for a price significantly cheaper than a store-bought one. So Charlie got what he wanted, and at a better deal than he had hoped for! Now, Charlie’s incredible stroke of luck seemed like a fluke to him at first, but then another awesome thing happened shortly after. You see, Charlie was also looking for a new job because he felt stuck in his current one. So he had his sights set on another company with a position in mind. The truth was that he wasn’t all that confident he was even qualified for the position, but he went over the job description again and again. Charlie even printed the job ad and put it on his refrigerator door so he could see it every day. A couple of weeks after his interview, he got a call from the company and said he got the job. On Charlie’s first day, his new boss told him, “Honestly, your skillset isn’t an exact match for what we were looking for. But I really liked how you did at the interview…and besides, we can train you for the other things you need to learn, anyway. You have a great attitude and that’s more important than being 100% qualified for the job.” Click Here To Discover the Lazy Person’s Secret To Get Everything You’ve Ever Wished For Is It Coincidence - Or Something Else at Work? It’s easy to brush off Charlie’s streak as plain dumb luck, but could he have WILLED his good fortune to happen? After all, the common element between getting his new laptop and the new job was that he focused on both things intensely. Charlie kept it in his thoughts all the time. More than that, he created a detailed picture of his desired state in his mind. He imagined what it would be like to hold his new laptop and how he’d feel working in the new job he was aiming for. Charlie visualized both scenarios so vividly that he could almost taste it. Whether he knew it or not, he was putting the basic principle of The Law of Attraction to work - and it served him well. As the name implies, this law decrees that “like attracts like.” There’s a global movement behind this belief, and it says that the kind of thoughts you send out to the Universe emit a certain frequency – be it helpful or harmful. And you have the power to control the wavelength you operate on, which in turn attracts circumstances that match your energy. So by focusing on positive outcomes and giving out positive vibrations, you can turn your thoughts into a tangible force of good in your life! On the other side of the coin, dwelling on the negative aspects of life and focusing your attention on the things you resent attracts even MORE negativity into your world. Like Charlie, you can think of something specific you want, and hold that image in your mind. Create all the details that bring the picture to life, then believe that you already have it. When you go about your day thinking that the object of your desire is already a matter of fact… …this sends out a clear, strong message to the Universe that you truly WANT and BELIEVE it. But this is just the tip of the iceberg; there are other ways to raise your frequency even higher. By following these 7 Tips to Create the Life You’ve Always Dreamed Of, you’ll naturally attract everything you’ve ever wanted – and MORE: #1: Set aside time to focus on what you desire The first habit is simple enough: give yourself at least 5-7 minutes daily to visualize the things you want to turn into reality. You can do this by finding a quiet place to contemplate, then sit upright with your eyes closed. While keeping your desires front and center in your thoughts, breathe deeply in and out. Focus on your breath and the sensations your body is feeling, and use that as anchor to keep your thoughts from straying. If your mind does go on a tangent, gently bring yourself back to your breathing AND your desired future state. You’ll get a lot of benefits from doing this for just a few minutes every day. For instance, many studies have proven the stress-reducing properties of meditation. A study at the Massachusetts General Hospital showed that people who tried their meditation program experienced significantly less health problems than before. They ended up not having to see a doctor or go to the emergency room, saving them about $2,300 in medical costs for EACH person! On top of that of course, meditation also helps you keep your eye on the prize and give you the determination to make it happen. Some people however, have trouble meditating and get easily distracted. If you need a little guidance with this habit, I’ve got a special gift for you – but more on that later… #2: Be grateful and practice gratitude Ever hear the expression “Thank your lucky stars”? Back in ancient times, people believed that celestial bodies played a huge role in someone’s destiny. Today, many still believe that these same external forces affect our lives. The Law of Attraction draws from this belief, and it states that we should be grateful whenever the Universe sends something good our way. This is another way of fine tuning your frequency. When you actively pay attention to the positive things that happen around you, it acts like a magnet that attracts similar things. And by being thankful for your blessings, you’re sending a powerful message to the Universe that essentially translates to: “Thank you, that was awesome! More please!” #3: Take a leap of faith The main challenge that people have with manifesting their desires is dealing with the world of the intangible. It can be daunting (and even discouraging) to imagine a future outcome that hasn’t happened yet. It takes some faith to push past that hazy uncertainty, and not everyone has it in them to do so. So you need to check your inner Doubting Thomas at the door for a moment and appreciate how other people have used the Law of Attraction to succeed. Consider the great figures from the past: Albert Einstein, Nelson Mandela, Marie Curie, Vincent Van Gogh and Nikola Tesla. All of them were shining examples of how they used their mind and willpower to create something valuable in this world. They raised their own frequency and as result, had a different energy from the rest of humanity. Even though they’re gone, their legacy lives on, and we can still feel its impact today. It’s all because they took a brave step into the unknown. Even though they couldn’t see how their work would ripple through the next several decades, they still powered through. The skepticism that people have is the result of growing up. As you get older and have more experiences, a certain amount of jadedness sets in. That’s why you won’t find any of that in kids. Just think about how children play make-believe. When they yell, “The floor is lava!” you can bet they’ll be scrambling for the nearest couch or chair to avoid getting “burned.” On a certain level, they TRULY believe that the floor is literally molten rock. They can see the hot, glowing lava, burning everything its path… …and they do everything to stay out of its way. That’s the power the mind and imagination in action. Learn how to see the world on this level again. That way, you can see a bright future before it happens – then go on to make it a reality. Click Here To Learn How to Force the Universe to Manifest Your Dream Life #4: Keep on keeping’ on One of the realities of this world is that you can’t eliminate adversity. It’s always going to be an uphill climb at some point, especially when you’ve just taken on a new challenge. You’ve been eating right and working out, but the pounds aren’t quite flying off as you’d hoped. You started a side income project, but your cash flow hasn’t been anything more than a trickle. You’ve tried beating your depression with exercise, therapy and medication, but the dark thoughts still charge at you like a freight train. That’s called RESISTANCE. It will always be there, even as you dig deep and do everything in your power to manifest the reality you want. Being a grown-up means expecting those external circumstances to work against you. Your best response? PUSH BACK. Keep your inner world together, and the outside world will follow suit. Dumbledore once told Harry Potter, “Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it.” Remember: the hero of the story is never a one-person army. Harry had Hermione and Ron. Luke had Obi-Wan and Yoda. And you don’t have to fly solo in YOUR journey. Think about the people in your inner circle – are they giving you the energy, motivation and inspiration to succeed? If the company you keep sneers at growth and being better, maybe it’s time to look for other friends to round out your squad. Seek people who lead by example and can show you how to overcome that resistance in your life. Learn from them and let their enthusiasm rub off you. While you’re at it, use technology to connect to like-minded folks who can help you in your quest. Open your phone or laptop and fire up YouTube, Vimeo or any other video streaming site. TED talks, self-help lectures and tons of other empowering content are literally at your fingertips. The Universe has too much abundance for you to ignore. We’re part of a vast human network, and our collective energy affects everyone else in ways we can’t yet fully comprehend. This network has always been around; the Internet merely accelerated it. Tap into it and unleash its power. #5: Tune out your Negative Ned (or Nancy) There’s always that voice in the back of your head that kicks in when life gets tough. It loves whispering things in your ear, usually at the height of your frustration and despair: - “You totally blew that one, why do you even bother trying?” - “You had one job and you screwed it up like always…I’m not even surprised.” - “Getting back on the horse, are we? I give it a week before you go back to your old ways. Better to quit while you’re ahead!” - “You actually thought he was complimenting you? Oh, bless your heart…it’s called ‘small talk’ and ‘being nice’.” If you’re like the rest of the human species, you’re going to run into those nasty folks called insecurity, self-doubt and fear. They’re going to take up space in your head and try to drown you out with their noise. Rumi, a 13th-century Persian poet and scholar, knew this well. It his poem “The Guest House”, he spoke an ancient truth about the human condition. He likened all our thoughts and feelings – both good and bad – as visitors who stopped by the guest house of the soul. And this line struck me the most: “The dark thought, the shame, the malice. Meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.” Once I understood what it meant, I realized that I didn’t have to resist it. I could simply let my obnoxious guests do their thing, and see them out. It’s not about covering your ears and going, “La la la la! I can’t hear you!” Acknowledging their existence in your head is NOT the same as letting them win. The world���s greatest achievers go through bouts of darkness and anger like everyone else. The main difference is that they use their failures as material for an instruction manual called “What NOT to Do and How to Do It Better The Next Time Around”. #6: Ditch your story You shouldn’t stop at managing your negative thoughts, however. You need to peel back another layer and go deeper. Here’s the thing: you grew up on a set of beliefs, whether you’re aware of it or not. Your parents, teachers, friends and pretty much everyone you knew growing up contributed to your programming. You don’t know it, but you operate on this programming on a daily basis. And it influences every decision you make – and how you choose to see the world. Now this can be a good thing if you grew up around people who were positive, motivated and had a good outlook on life… …but this is the real world we’re talking about, so NOT everyone had that kind of effect on you. Somewhere along your journey, someone discouraged you in a subtle way, or put some sort of label that you can’t shake off. Words like “Underachiever”, “Oddball”, “Loser”, “Nerd”, “Small Fry”, “Ugly Duckling” and “Black Sheep” come to mind… …and each one is damaging in its own toxic way. Sadly, most people carry this invisible weight their whole life. But starting today, you can lay those bricks on the ground and walk away for good. You don’t have to carry that weight for anyone, especially not for THEM. Stop living your story based on the false narrative that your negative programming created. All those preconceived beliefs need to go if you want to attract happiness and prosperity in your life. I’ve seen people achieve INCREDIBLE things – even the impossible – just by doing this one thing. Lionel, a heroin addict from Michigan, was in and out of jail for the longest time. But after overdosing within an inch of his life, he decided to ditch his old story. Even after everyone gave up on Lionel and called him a “screw-up”, he turned it all around. He let go of the labels that people had been putting on him for YEARS… …and Lionel decided he didn’t have to be any of those things anymore. Lionel created a NEW story for himself – one where he was finally free of his crippling addiction and lived a clean, sober life. What kind of story do YOU want to live out? #7: Make your affirmations “pop” You might have heard of people making declarations about themselves to manifest them as truth, and not just as an opinion. When you affirm some truth about yourself, it validates the awesomeness within you. Words of kindness heal the soul and help forgive past failures. In short, it’s about LOVING yourself. After all, you can’t give what you don’t have. However, saying “Boy I sure love myself!” doesn’t quite do the trick. To make your affirmations stick in your subconscious, it needs to have a little something extra. Don’t stop at “I love me!”- take it up another notch to really drive the point home. Try these on for size: - “I love myself so much that I want to use my gifts and share them with the world. I want to take this love inside me and use it to lift other people up.” - “By sharing the love I have, I possess the power to change myself for the better, and the world around me.” - “I am love, light, peace and prosperity. Anger, hate and scarcity have no power over me.” - Aside from loving yourself, you can also infuse a dash of humor in your affirmations. Who says you have to be so grim with his Law of Attraction stuff, anyway? When you add a bit of levity while you affirm yourself, it shushes your Negative Ned (or Nancy) into silence. Try coming up with statements like these: - “I’m so awesome that I kick mediocrity in its big fat butt!” - “I’ve come here to be awesome at everything I do and kick major butt. And I’m all out of butts to kick.” - “Did you say something, self-doubt? Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of my awesomeness!” It’s all a matter of finding the right attitude and tone that suits you. Take a crack at making these affirmations, and you’ll soon find your true inner voice. What matters is that you inject your affirmations with a serious amount of attitude, and above all, ENERGY. Without that energy, you won’t give your messages enough “juice” to reach the Universe and show up on its radar. Those who practice the Law of Attraction often combine these affirmations with their meditation sessions to hit two birds with one stone. And the results are nothing short of phenomenal. Now, about that gift I promised you earlier… To make the MOST out of your meditation, I’ve got a series of audio tracks to help you manifest incredible benefits in your life. If you want to be the picture of health… …naturally create wealth wherever you go… …and enjoy authentic, fulfilling relationships… …you can achieve ALL of that by simply claiming your FREE gift below: 100% FREE Meditation MP3 Audio Tracks – DOWNLOAD THEM HERE
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internetremix · 6 years ago
I was wondering... Do you any of you have tips for a rookie GM? I'm setting up a game night here soon and I'm stressing the heck out over it.
Alex: No matter what game system you play it's usually quite intimidating because there are like 600 pages of information to digest. At any given time you need to have memorized only, like, thirty. At the end of the day most tabletop games are just two things - math and improv. Admittedly things that, outside of tabletop games, people go out of their way to avoid, but still.
Stress can lead people to get things done fast but also get things done sloppy. You don't need to plan out every single detail of what the characters might encounter eventually in a session. You can flesh out a couple of interesting people, places, or things you want them to see and just keep a scratch card of notes and traits for if/when they go off the beaten path. Remember, no matter what you plan, there is no accounting for the actions of players, and rolling with them provides a far better experience than slamming your fist down and saying "NO" to every deviation.
And above all else, remember that tabletop games are a collaborative effort. People come together to play games, tell stories, and shoot the shit. If shooting the shit overtakes the game you can rein that in a little but at the end of the day everyone's there voluntarily to have fun, and no one is there to see anyone fail.So to recap -
1. You are the arbiter of rules no matter what the book says. You can double-check later and take notes for future games if it becomes an issue but generally you only need to have in mind rules that are actively going to be used in game. If you don't know the exact way to handle something just make up what the closest action would be and if the player rolls what you think is well enough to do it, they did it.
2. If you don't have time to take notes on every single thing the players might encounter, congratulations, you're an average person. You only need a few based on the following factors - what do you want the players to do, how do you think they're going to do it, and do you have something prepared for when they go off the beaten path.
3. Have fun! Seriously, it's called a tabletop GAME, not a tabletop dictatorship.
Kristen: All of my games are Tabletop Dictatorships, all of them. Unfortunately I'm a terrible, weak-willed dictator so this helps nothing.
Alex: Discord Murder Party is different. Mafia/Werewolf operates way differently than D&D and needs a GM SPECIFICALLY so that players don't go off the rails.
Kristen: You are 100% correct.
God my first tabletop I ever DMed for I made my own thing and wrote like... twenty pages for my first session. And then as soon as I started, my players were like HEY I WANNA EXPLORE THE SHOPS
"O-oh.... y-yeah, here's uh... heeeere's a list of shops..."
So then I had to improv like... five shops and make multiple NPCs on the fly and then I found out "it turns out writing an entire paragraph for every NPC is an awful idea because you can't fucking read those notes mid-session"
So my point is don't do that.
Juno: Oh yeah. Last night I had to make up a guy named Lucas on the spot because JoJo's character wanted to convince a guy not to kill them
Kristen: YEP I ran the generic 5e DnD starter for a group of friends and somehow it went from a generic "you all hunt down and kill a bunch of goblins and a bugbear in a cave, way to go" to "You spared a Goblin who has a ridiculous Brooklyn accent who hates his job and now you're starting a ridiculous worker's revolution and this has ended with you all enlisting every other goblin you were supposed to fight into swarming the bugbear boss. Okay."
Juno: I mean. That's a pretty bomb plot twist if you ask me.
Kristen: Oh yes, I enjoyed it immensely. Also really in the context of a DnD game I'm pretty sure that shouldn't be doable cause I don't think any of them were supposed to be able to speak common. If your players are setting themselves up for a more interesting story and you have to bend the rules a bit to make it happen, go for it. One of the most important things for GMing is making your players feel like they have agency- as Alex said, it's collaborative, it's not just you telling your players a story.
Another thing to keep in mind is what sort of players you have. I usually prefer to play with people who are more into the RP/story aspect, but some people are gonna be more into them fighty fights and mechanics and such. Which is fine and can work, it's just a matter of striking a balance in your game.  I usually try to tailor things in such a way that everyone's getting a chance to get what they want out of a game and their shot at the spotlight, in whatever manner that takes. For me it's helped to ask my players directly "hey, what do you want out of this game? Do you have any ideas or anything you're really into?"
Mostly what I'm saying is just try to keep in mind what your players are in this for, since that contributes a lot to how much fun you all have.
Atwas: Something that's helped me a lot is to not stress out or stop the game entirely to double check rules. It sort of kills momentum. In my experience, ruling a situation and then looking something up later is a lot less stressful than the pressure of putting something completely on pause while you flip through a book/google something.
If you're doing stuff in real life, I would recommend making a little cheat sheet of your PC's information. My DM screen has sticky notes with each party characters HP, AC, Passive Perception, and Spell Save DC to keep things streamlined.
Kristen: Oooo smurt
Alex: Hell yeah dude. Also there are custom DM screens you can get tailor-made to give you quick rules references. Fairly cheap on Amazon.
Atwas: Also your players don't know if you're winging stuff unless you tell them. ;^)
Also also don't be scared of bumping monster hp up or down depending on a fight or having monsters run away or call in reinforcements. If you go off script in an encounter--surprise! Nobody knows but you. I did that quite a bit when I was starting out because balancing encounters is a bit of an art and CR is a loose guideline at best.
Also also also the point of the game isn't to win. Don't fall into the trap of "beating your players" or stuff like that. Imo that kind of messes with the table dynamics unless 100% of everyone is on board with that type of game.
Kristen: Yeah, don't fall into that and also be careful not to go into the mindset of "punishing" your players if they do something dumb. Like if it's a silly "you did this thing and consequences have gone WILDLY outside of what you expect wheee", awesome, but I've had DMs who basically would act like if you didn't somehow read their minds and find their exact solution, welp you made a dumb choice and now everyone is penalized for it. Made for a pretty toxic atmosphere, do not recommend. Kind goes hand in hand with "don't be a tabletop dictator".
Atwas: oh gods i could go on and on about how punishing someone in game never works for out of game behaviour but i digress. also please don't feel afraid to talk to your players, even if having adult conversations is difficult.
Juno: Cause and effect is the biggest thing to think about I think, especially in a DMing situation.
Alex: For instance, siccing a Revenant on the party? Thavagath made a bad decision in character, that's the natural consequence, he gets a chance to save his ass. Someone makes a dick joke about your carefully crafted NPC? Don't be a dick right back.
Atwas: sweats, trying to think back to the last time a dick joke was made in Fallen Empires
Alex: Like I think the last major one was Phill pulling a muscle stretching so hard to make a joke for five minutes about the "Male Room" rather than the "Mail Room"
But then we - wait for it - ACTUALLY DISCUSSED THE ISSUE OUT OF GAME and stuff like that doesn't pop up any more.
Atwas: WHAT? SPEAKING LIKE REASONABLE ADULTS?!?! IN MY TABLETOP?!?!?! it's really useful. please have those conversations, even if they're uncomfortable. and if something is becoming an issue, bring it up sooner rather than later--turns out that people can't change stuff if they don't know about it! Most people want to stay friends after a campaign after all.
Jojo: Have your story planned, npcs, and what you want an end goal to be. Make sure it's all planned out BEFORE asking people to join it. And if you need a second DM to help you with Dice or story, then that's ok too! I'm still a beginner DM myself, so that's the best advice I can give
These guys are pros, so listen to them
Phill: Heheh... male room
Alex: Phill no you'll pull your hamstring again
Atwas: what do you think is Phill's average Henderson rating?
Alex: Phill has at least One Henderson in him, he destroyed Underdark to the point of we can't go back to it ever now.
Phill: I mean. Yeah. Honestly, I could've very easily seen phresh reach a 1.75 hendersons eventually.
Atwas: I'd say 1.75 works. 2 is still out of reach, but one day...
Xander: Underdark is cursed content and deserved better
Atwas: How many of he players had that as their first campaign? 3/5?
Xander: I believe so
Alex: Uprising and I had played before, I don't think Jojo, Dawn, or Phill had.
Xander: I'm probably gonna reboot Underdark one day. Wipe the slate clean. Probably not gonna be done on IR
Alex: We did it! We reached two Hendersons!
Xander: Two full Hendersons.
Phill: time unveil my new original character. Blesh
Alex: Blerish
Xander: More like Blemish
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Can Gums Regrow After Receding?
Do You Really Know How To Brush Your Teeth?
If you believe brushing alone with a regular type of tooth brush is actually a must, you are wrong. To be able to obtain the results you wish then you must know all the essential aspects of brushing as well as the appropriate product you must make use of. It is vital that you think about these particulars so as to assist you stop any sort of teeth and mouth issues also like halitosis, overcharging gums, receding gums as well as also bone loss. Read on as well as determine even more regarding the tooth brushing 101 that will certainly help you get the best results in no time.
Can Receded Gums Regrow?
Just how to Choose the Right Kind of Toothbrush It is actually very essential that you decide on the appropriate type of tooth brush that are going to function best on you. There are tons of companies and type of toothbrushes in the market today promising remarkable outcomes. The secret listed here is actually to select the best one. The primary thing you need to do is to discuss this matter to your dentist. It will definitely help a lot if you will definitely inquire your dentist which label and sort of toothbrush are going to do you any good. Many of the time your dentist will certainly base the kind as well as brand of tooth brush he will proposes depending on to the health condition of your teeth and also gums. If you have sensitive gums or even if you are presently struggling with bleeding gums or receding gums then he will highly recommend to you to possess a soft bristle kind of tooth brush. Some might even suggest you to make use of a power tooth brush to avoid it from obtaining worst. Yet another crucial point you ought to look at when deciding on the best toothbrush is actually that it must possess ADA tape on the box. This seal will ensure that the bristle of the tooth brush you will acquire is certainly not too tough. Making use of also challenging bristle toothbrush will cause some particular teeth and gum troubles. Exactly how to Brush your Teeth Right Way Once you eventually discovered and purchased the appropriate kind and label of tooth brush the following step is actually to understand and also discover how to comb your teeth properly. It is essential that you recognize exactly how to clean your teeth straight so concerning prevent any sort of teeth as well as gum problems like bleeding gums as well as receding gums. Therefore right here are actually a number of the easy pointers you need to take into consideration when brushing your teeth.
Will Receding Gums Grow Back
Create a round activity when brushing your teeth. At that point brush the exterior as well as most especially the internal edge of your teeth as these are actually the preferred spots of germs and also food residues. But do not go too hard on those areas for flossing would certainly possess taken them out. Never over comb your teeth since you  will intend to stay clear of injuring your gums. Stringent combs as well as rash style of brushing can cause gums to bleed. So go delicately on those round activities. Do not clean for over four mins, as well as rinse your mouth extensively, ideally make use of a mouth wash after brushing. Brush your tongue at the same time the inside of your examination to eliminate the germs buildup that may lead to halitosis. Since you have actually know the fundamental things about brushing, all you have to do is to follow all of them. It is essential that you cover this issue to your dentist thus regarding fully know all the important and standard factors that will definitely help make your teeth healthier. The tips and suggestions from your dentist are going to additionally assist guard your gums coming from obtaining any diseases and conditions that can bring about even more major conditions like bleeding gums, receding gums and other gums and teeth complications. Consider that tooth brushing alone is actually not enough to secure your teeth and gums. You need to have the aid as well as guide from your dentist. Make it behavior to find your dentist every six months to have teeth washing as well as exam. Take into consideration these simple facts as well as suggestions and also you are going to absolutely secure the greatest outcomes ever.
Taking Care Of The Usual Oral Health Issues
Most of us know that to have well-balanced teeth and also gums, one need to brush and use floss daily, consume healthy meals, as well as check out the dentist regularly. However at times these may not be sufficient. Lots of folks are troubled with oral health problem such as cavities, bad breath, receding gums, mouth sores, as well as disintegration which basically remove their self-confidence to smile. These oral health issue happen whenever our experts do certainly not adequately deal with our oral health. There are additionally many techniques to avoid this from occurring, as well as the easiest thing for right now is actually understanding-- as well as doing - the appropriate safety nets versus these dental complications. Your diet regimen and also your oral care allow think about your oral health. Normal visits to the dentist can create a massive difference. But supposing you were actually unable to stop this coming from occurring? Supposing you are actually dealing with it right at this exact minute? This will simply indicate something. You are actually trying to find the very best treatment techniques. Listed here are several of the usual dental troubles and also exactly how to alleviate them, and concepts on protecting against these common difficulties. Bad breath. Halitosis or even bad breath is managed based on what created it. Brushing and also flossing is vital because it defends your mouth from bacteria that lead to the nasty scent. Regardless of whether your dentist ensures you that you possess healthy and balanced teeth and gums, you ought to probe a little deeper as it could be a symptom of a different issue. Bronchitis, sinus problems, respiratory infections, diabetes, complication along with the liver or kidneys, as well as gastro digestive disturbance like GERD, are actually instances of ailments that may be shown by foul-smelling breath. Other possible perpetrators are actually too much garlic as well as red onion, smoking cigarettes, as well as specific sorts of drug.
Will My Receding Gums Grow Back
Dental cavity as well as tooth disintegration. Brushing your teeth at the very least 2 times a time as well as utilizing a floss daily with regular sees to the dentist can avoid dental cavity and also destruction. There are actually additionally safety plastic sealants that decrease one's danger of possessing cavities. Prevent creating plaque and destruction by reducing your snacking and having a well-balanced diet regimen. Studies present that acid food items as well as beverages result in the polish to stop thus steer clear of from sodas, sporting activities alcoholic beverages, citrus fruit products and also extracts, tomatoes as well as pickles. Also, if you have bulimia or encounter indigestion, go find a doctor for treatment given that gastric acid is just one of the sources of teeth destruction. Receding gums. Periodontal or even gum troubles have severe repercussions. Gingivitis in its early stage leads to the gums to swell and redden and also extra prone to bleeding. In extreme instances of periodontitis, the gums and bones supporting the teeth are actually damaged which ultimately causes losing one's choppers. It is recommended that you practice brushing and also using floss everyday as well as head to the dentist consistently. Dental pros propose using a tooth brush with delicate bristles and also wearing an evening guards considering that gum recession could be triggered by hard-bristled tooth brushes, clinching, grinding, get in touch with of gums with unclean things, and malposition of teeth. Mouth Sores. The popular sores that our team receive are canker sores as well as cold sores. Canker sores are actually discovered inside the mouth while chilly ones are actually outdoors as well as normally seem almost the lips. they hurt and also unpleasant but thankfully treatable along with over the counter drugs as well as antimicrobial mouth washouts as well as contemporary anaesthetics to briefly eliminate cold sores. Whatever mouth troubles you are experiencing, there will certainly constantly be treatment procedures available. The bottom series is actually that it may be stopped. All it takes is actually willpower to visit the dentists consistently, really good diet plan and also knowledge about oral health.
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outfitandtrend · 3 years ago
[ad_1] Are you interested in playing casino games for real money? Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting, it’s important to be aware of the safety risks involved. Here are some clever little tips to help keep your money and personal information safe while playing online casinos. By the end, you’ll be well on your way to a safe, fun, and exciting experience! After all, this is integral when you are playing for real money. Only play at reputable casinos Reputable casinos are licensed and regulated by a respected authority. They adhere to strict safety standards and use state-of-the-art security measures to protect your information. Plus, they’re required to have their games regularly tested for fairness by independent labs. When in doubt, really check a list of recommended casinos. When it comes to reputable casinos, safety is paramount. Never play at an unlicensed or unregulated casino, as they may not have the best interests of their players in mind. They may also be a front for criminal activity like money laundering or fraud. Plus, they could be using outdated security measures that put your information at risk. Do your research properly and thoroughly before choosing where to play, and always choose a casino that puts safety first. Use safe payment methods When depositing or withdrawing money from your casino account, be sure to use a payment method that offers adequate security protection, such as credit cards, debit cards, PayPal, or Skrill. Also, avoid using public Wi-Fi when accessing your casino account, as this could leave your information vulnerable to hackers. If possible, use a private, secure connection instead. When it comes to online payments, security is essential. Never use an unsecured payment method, such as wire transfers or cryptocurrency, as these are often not currently protected by the same rules and regulations. To find a good site with reputable payment methods, search online slots real money along with a couple of keywords like safe, payment, and secure. This should give you a list of reputable casinos that offer top-notch safety features. Stay within your budget Don’t gamble more than you can afford to lose. This will not only help reduce the risk of losing too much money, but it will also help you truly stay in control of your gambling habits and avoid going overboard. It is important to remember to always play responsibly when playing casino games for real money. Set a budget before you start and properly stick to it, regardless of whether you’re winning or losing. If you ever feel the urge to gamble more than you can afford, take a break from playing for a while and come back when you’re in a better place financially. By following these simple safety tips, you’ll be able to enjoy all the fun of online casinos without worrying about losing too much money or your personal information. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable experience when playing casino games for real money. Be sure to only play at reputable casinos, use secure payment methods, and stay within your budget. By doing so, you’ll be able to gamble responsibly and focus on having fun! [ad_2] Source link
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sizzlingcollectivebanana · 4 years ago
Flash Player For Mac Mini
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Flash Player Download For Mac Free
I got a new Mac Mini about a year ago and have kept it fairly stock and clean. I didn't really have any issues with not being able to do things I needed to get done and if I did, I would just wait until I was at work and get it done on their computer. But, I am running into a lot more instances of needing Adobe Flash Player on the web lately.
If you have an old flash drive or one that was formatted to work with Windows or another operating system, you can still format your flash drive to work on a Mac. Volume Format Most manufacturers use the FAT 32 or MS-DOS (FAT) volume format.
Model 1
Space Gray
It will also provide a basic level of training to make the overall use of flash drive easier for Mac users. 1 Connecting Flash Drive to MAC This is the first step that a user will take. Adobe Flash will be going away soon, but for now, you can easily install and enable Adobe Flash Player on a Mac computer using a Safari browser.
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By the simple virtue of browsing the web over the years, nearly all of us have seen a variety of pop-ups asking us to download or upgrade Flash Player for Mac. Free excel for mac os catalina. Usually, there’s little explanation involved, which leaves you thinking, “Do I really need to install Adobe Flash Player on Mac?”
Adobe Flash is a proprietary software that started in the late ‘90s as a way to include advanced interactivity, gaming functionality, and video capability into your browser. By the early 2000s, Flash was supported by every major browser and seemingly ran the internet. That is until Steve Jobs himself declared a war on it.
In a press release published by Apple in 2010, Steve Jobs laid out his reasons for not integrating Adobe Flash in the Safari browser by default. His main criticisms of the platform were its closed proprietary nature, slow updates, weak security, and increasing availability of open standards that were arguably better equipped to handle browser interactivity.
For a long time, Adobe Flash security issues were the primary reason most developers discouraged people from installing the application. As you may have noticed, oftentimes Adobe Flash Player download for Mac pop-ups haunt you on the least trustworthy websites. It’s highly likely that those were hackers using Adobe Flash installers to find a way into your system.
Fortunately, in the last 10 years, the popularity of Adobe Flash has decreased significantly. By now, 95% of all websites have switched to the open HTML5 standard. This even includes all the major video companies, such as Vimeo, Netflix, Facebook, and YouTube. In fact, the popularity of the Flash technology has declined so much now that Adobe decided to end its Flash support in 2020.
So is Adobe Flash Player safe? Generally, yes, given that you download Flash Player for Mac from Adobe’s official website. And sometimes there is no way around installing Flash as you might still need it to run that lagging 5% of the web properly. Whatever the reason, below we’ll discuss how to manage Adobe Flash safely and securely.
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How To Install Adobe Flash Player On Mac
If you absolutely need to download Adobe Flash Player for Mac, you should at the very least do it securely. Good tips to note are install Flash only when required, disable it when not in use, update it regularly to get the latest security patches, and delete it completely as soon as you can make the full switch to more modern web technologies.
Safely install Adobe Flash Player on Mac
If there would be only one takeaway from reading this article, it should be: never ever download Flash Player for Mac from unrecognized websites.
Using Macs in general is very safe. But by far the most popular way for hackers to get into your system is to persuade you to download malware that’s masking itself as a well-known program. And Flash Player for Mac tops the list, having the worst security record out of any software. Moreover, Adobe Flash is the number one reason Macs crash overall.
So when you are about to install Adobe Flash Player on Mac, you should:
Go to get.adobe.com/flashplayer (this is the only official Flash Player for Mac distributor)
Click “Download now”
Navigate to your Downloads folder and open the .dmg file
Proceed through the installation instructions
Restart the browser, after which Adobe Flash Player for Mac should be activated
Update Adobe Flash Player for Mac regularly
Once you have Flash Player installed, you need to remember to update it regularly (e.g. once a month) to avoid any security issues. To check whether there’s a new version of Flash available:
Open System Preferences
Get to know the Mac desktop. At the top of the screen is the menu bar and at the bottom is the Dock.In between is what’s called the desktop.The desktop is where you do most of your work. You can change the look of your desktop by customizing the desktop picture and by choosing a light or dark appearance for the menu bar, desktop picture, Dock, and built-in apps. Desktop screen for mac. Everything looks better on a Retina display, with its one billion colors and 500 nits of brightness. Photos and graphics leap off the screen. Text is supersharp. And for the first time, the 27‑inch iMac features True Tone technology for a more natural viewing experience and a nano-texture glass option to reduce glare to the barest minimum. If you've bought a Mac mini or Mac Pro, you'll need a display to go with it; and even those with an iMac or MacBook might fancy a second screen. We've tested, reviewed and ranked the best Mac.
Click on the Flash Player and navigate to the Updates tab
The result was known by the code name, slated for release in late 1998.Apple expected that developers would port their software to the considerably more powerful OPENSTEP libraries once they learned of its power and flexibility. At first, the plan was to develop a new operating system based almost entirely on an updated version of OPENSTEP, with the addition of a virtual machine subsystem — known as the Blue Box — for running 'classic' Macintosh applications. How to upgrade from yosemite.
Select Check Now or Install Now if there’s an update available
Disable Flash when not in use
When you encounter a website that doesn’t work properly without Flash, proceed to install the player from the official (very important) website as per the steps above. But for complete security, turn off Flash right after you use it and enable it only when there’s no workaround.
To disable Flash Player for Mac in Safari:
Go to Preferences and then Websites
Scroll down to Plug-ins and uncheck the Adobe Flash Player
Similarly, disabling Flash can be done in Content Settings in Chrome and Addons > Plugins in Firefox.
Completely uninstall Flash Player for Mac
There’s a lot of confusion with regards to deleting Flash Player. As we’ve seen, when you download Flash Player for Mac, it doesn’t install itself as an app, but rather integrates into your System Preferences.
Hence removing Flash Player is not as easy as just dragging it to the Trash. Adobe has a whole page devoted to the uninstallation process and makes you download a separate tool to delete Flash properly.
To remove Flash Player the Adobe way:
Download the uninstaller for your macOS
Launch it as any app and follow the instructions
Restart your Mac
However, due to the Flash Player’s pervasive presence on your Mac, it’s highly recommended that you use a professional third-party uninstaller like CleanMyMac X.
Get a pro uninstaller for Mac
With CleanMyMac X, unneeded software and junk will be gone from your computer in a single cleanup. An all-mighty cleaner that deserves your attention.
To uninstall Adobe Flash Player on Mac with CleanMyMac X:
Navigate to the Uninstaller tab
Select Adobe from Vendors
Check the box next to Flash Player and click Uninstall
Recover files lost to Flash Player
Flash Player Download Mac
Sometimes you simply can’t prevent the malware from getting into your system. And most of the time you only realize that infiltration happened after the fact, when you discover some of your files completely gone.
Good news is you might be able to recover your files if you act quickly. As soon as you notice any files missing, install a professional Mac recovery app like Disk Drill and follow this process:
Launch Disk Drill app from Applications
Find your hard drive in the list and click Recover
Choose one of the recommended options, from disabling system protection to connecting another Mac, to allow Disk Drill to recover lost files
Finally, to stop compromised apps or files from getting into your system, use a malware protection utility in CleanMyMac X on a regular basis.
To scan your Mac for viruses with CleanMyMac X:
Select the Malware Removal tab
Click Scan
Delete anything suspicious that shows up in the report
Overall, there are very few reasons to download Flash Player for Mac today. Nearly all modern websites have switched to community-supported standards like HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. But if you need to use Flash, make sure to download it from the official source and turn it off when not required to protect yourself from its security flaws.
In addition, make sure you’re fully protected from any worst-case scenarios by checking for malware with CleanMyMac X and recovering lost files with Disk Drill. And if you use Google Chrome, you can avoid Adobe Flash Player download for Mac altogether as it comes pre-installed in the browser.
Don’t feel like spending money on buying all the professional apps? Both CleanMyMac X and Disk Drill are available for you to try for free, along with more than 150 high-end Mac apps and utilities, through Setapp — the best platform for curated Mac apps. Adobe Flash might be on its way out, but in the meantime, you should definitely verify that you’ve been using it responsibly all this time.
Setapp lives on Mac and iOS. Please come back from another device.
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Meantime, prepare for all the awesome things you can do with Setapp.
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Flash Player Download For Mac Free
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makingmoneyonlinemethod · 4 years ago
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13 Effective Email Marketing Tips
 Have you ever sent an email to clients only to get no response? Did they even open it? Or open it just to delete it? Maybe you don’t even know where your campaigns are going wrong. Have no fear, our Email Marketing Tips are here.
We’ve all received an email we immediately deleted, marked as spam, or ignored altogether. If this is happening to your emails, you need to understand why. Maybe you aren’t effectively grabbing your audience’s attention. Or perhaps your subject lines don’t reach out and say “Open me!” or your calls to action don’t scream “Click me!”
As long as you aren’t heartlessly spamming your subscriber lists, email marketing is an incredibly powerful tool for getting messages directly to your clients and prospects. It strengthens client relationships and keeps reminding your prospects to reach out to you. So, let’s discuss how you can improve your efforts. First, let’s review the types of emails you might send:
Marketing emails
These are usually informational or promotional messages sent to people who asked you to keep them updated, such as prospects, clients, reporters, vendors, affiliates, etc. Marketing emails encompass a variety of content, but most are used to send newsletters, sales promotions, announcements, press releases, follow-ups, and surveys.
Transactional emails
This type of email is usually automated and triggered by your customers’ activities. Examples of transactional emails include welcome messages, order tracking, received payments, registration confirmations, etc.
Don’t underestimate the potential of these messages. If you’ve sent a customer a transactional email, they’ve completed at least one action that indicates they’re very likely to engage with you again. These are trusted emails, which means they have higher open rates and provide plenty of opportunities for engagement and cross-selling.
Operational emails
These are emails with important information about your business, such as holiday closures, maintenance plans, or changes to your service availability. It’s tempting to skip an operational email if you think it won’t impact your sales, but it’s important to be consistent for the sake of trust, engagement, and thoroughness.
Again, there’s also hidden value in these messages. Although they may seem strictly informative, they can be crafted to improve your sales and your image. For example, if your service will be down for maintenance, describing what kind of updates you’ll be performing is a great way to remind your clients of the value you provide.
Whatever emails you're sending, it’s critical that you consider what you’re trying to accomplish and structure your message and strategy accordingly. Here a few tips that guarantee success:
How To Send Marketing Emails Like A Pro
1.  Build your subscriber list
2.  Encourage readers to reply
3.  Make it personal
4.  Keep your emails out of spam folders
5.  Make sure your emails look clean and crisp
6.  Include interesting links and calls to action
7.  Build your subscriber list
8.  Encourage readers to reply
9.  Make it easy to unsubscribe
10.              Make emails mobile-friendly
11.              Test, test, test
12.              More testing!
13.              Track your data
1. Build your subscriber list
Even if you’ve already got a long list of emails for clients and prospects, you should never stop adding to it. Especially since it’s not nearly as hard as it sounds. For example, make sure your list is always growing passively with a signup feature on your website. Subscription forms should be on your home page, blog page and everywhere else you can fit it without taking away from more important content.
Digital Fire does a great job of collecting email subscribers on their home page, which includes a sign-up box that hovers over the page and follows users as they scroll. It’s impossible to miss (without being annoying) and plainly explains the value of subscribing to their email list.
 You can also build your list through more traditional means. If you have a booth at an industry conference, provide an option for people to sign up for your newsletter. Even if you don’t end up closing at sale directly at the conference, getting someone to sign up for your email list can turn into a business opportunity down the road.
2. Encourage readers to reply
Unlike direct mail, email marketing opens the door for meaningful conversations with real people interested in your business. Just throwing information to leads and clients is a waste of time, so make sure you always focus on these three variables:
1.  Irresistible subject lines – Speak to readers directly and promise them something that stands out from the other emails in their inbox. The best way to go about this is with automated solutions that personalize your emails (which we’ve written about in depth).
2.  An entertaining and distinctive voice – Just because readers open your email doesn’t mean they aren’t queued up to quickly delete it. Always make sure your message sounds like it came from a real person who cares, not some faceless marketing machine.
3.  Targeted content – Segmenting your email lists by reader demographics makes it easier to create a message that really resonates with your readers' needs and interests, which makes them more likely to take up an offer, engage with you, or even to pass it onto other prospective clients.
The focus of these points is to encourage recipients to respond. Sometimes that means they click on a link in your message, but whenever possible, encourage them to actually respond to your emails. That's a surefire way to show you’re interested and responsive to what your subscribers have to say.
3. Make it personal
Whenever possible, add a personal element to your emails. Most email tools allow you to enter shortcodes that will be replaced with the recipient’s name when the email is sent out. Emails from Treehouse Co-Founder Ryan are always fun and personal. The subject lines are creative, messages are sent "from" Ryan's email address, and the content is personalized. If you reply to the mail, you'll even get a prompt response from Ryan himself!
 On top of this, you can segment your messages to particular portions of your audience. If you have a business that works with multiple industries, consider sending out different versions of your email with each one providing information specific to each industry.
4. Keep your emails out of spam folders
If your carefully constructed emails are flagged as spam, they’ll never see the light of day. Start off by making sure your recipients have opted into your emails so you aren't running afoul of any regulations like the CAN-SPAM Act.
Beyond that, avoid using all caps, too many exclamation marks, and hyperbolic phrases ("ACT NOW BEFORE TIME RUNS OUT!!!!"). Poorly formatted HTML in your emails can also hurt how they’re handled. Every spam filter is different, so an email might pass through one filter but get flagged by another. For more comprehensive info on how spam filters work and how to avoid them, check out this guide by MailChimp.
5. Make sure your emails look clean and crisp
This sounds obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people send emails that look like amateur websites from the ’90s. If someone has opened your mail because of an engaging heading, you want to keep their interest. This means:
·         Using short paragraphs and ensuring that keywords and phrases relevant to your readers stand out.
·         Including bullet points to help people skim the content and take in the vital points.
·         Inserting pictures sparingly. Images should illustrate your message rather than replace your content. Some email providers block images or consider them an indicator of spam.
Here’s an example of what an email newsletter template might look like.
 6. Include interesting links and calls to action
The aim of most email marketing campaigns is to increase traffic to a site, sometimes a specific landing page. No clicks means no customers -- it really is that simple. Always try to include visually striking buttons with text that give readers more than one opportunity to interact (e.g., Find out more! Download Now! etc.).
 In general, calls to action should be written as just that -- actions. The more exciting the action you describe, the more enticing it will be to your audience.
7. Make it easy to unsubscribe
It may seem as though you are cutting off the "conversation" by giving clients the chance to opt out, but if a user wants to remove their name from your lists and can’t do so easily, they’ll flag emails as spam, which will cause you problems in the future.
 8. Make emails mobile-friendly
What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? Many people reach for their phone. In fact, 66% of email opens occur on smartphones or tablets. If your emails aren’t optimized for viewing on these devices, you’re potentially missing out on a huge number of clicks.
 9. Test, test, test
Never send anything without making sure it’s working properly. Double-check that your messages look the way you want them to be by sending them to employee accounts. Ideally, you will view them on Outlook.com, Gmail, and Yahoo, and on a variety of mobile devices before finalizing your drafts.
For more robust testing, check out Litmus, a tool that tests and provides screenshots of your email in dozens of different email tools.
Ensure that all your links work, and any personalization shortcodes aren’t failing. Sending mass emails without double-checking the content would be like turning up to a business meeting having chosen your outfit in the dark. If it goes wrong, you’ll look foolish and unprofessional.
10. More testing!
Beyond testing content on different platforms, you should also experiment with different subject lines, calls to action, and body text to see what is most engaging to your audience.
Some email tools have built-in A/B testing modules that allow you to compare the results of different versions of your emails, but even if you don’t have access to these, you can run tests on your own. Try sending your emails on different days of the week or different times of the day to see when you get the best response rate.
11. Track your data
Some results may have nothing to do with platforms and content. Keep a close eye on your data, like how many email addresses were undeliverable or what time of the day people opened your message. These tiny details will tell you a lot about your email’s performance.
If you’re using Google Analytics on your website, tagging your emails with custom campaign tracking can show you how they are driving traffic to your landing pages and how those visitors behave once they arrive on your site. Equipped with this powerful information, you can now really tailor your marketing message to people who will use it.
12. Don’t overwhelm your subscribers
Armed with all these tips, you might be eager to start sending out as many emails as you can. But beware of how often you send messages to your list. You don’t want to flood their inbox with marketing messages about everything you offer -- they might get annoyed and unsubscribe.
13. Above all else, provide value
Great email marketing ultimately comes down to giving your audience something that sticks with them - something that keeps your business on their mind, whether that’s educational information about your industry, operational messages about your service, or marketing messages about the products you offer.
Otherwise, that message is just going to end up in the trash.
This is just the beginning
Like most marketing efforts, becoming successful with email marketing is a process. It’s a combination of good planning and analyzing data to make improvements to your campaigns, but the only way to learn and improve is to get out there and apply these Email Marketing Tips. Start emailing!
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attractivemanusa-blog · 7 years ago
How To Talk To Women And Have Deeper Conversations
Have you ever had a hard time learning how to talk to women? Are you always running out of things to talk about when meeting someone new?
We all know starting a conversation with a complete stranger can be intimidating. As we walk over, sometimes our minds go blank unsure of what to say.
Today, I’m going to share a powerful technique that teaches you not only how to talk to women, but it’s something that you can use to spark a conversation and build massive rapport with anyone.
 How To Talk To Women: The F.O.R.D. Method
The FORD Method is a great way to start strong when getting to master how to talk to women that you’ve just met.
An easy way to remember this technique is using the acronym F-O-R-D which, stands for:
·         Family
·         Occupation
·         Recreation
·         Dreams
The conversation possibilities from these four categories are endless. Just be sure to ask open-ended questions and avoid questions that can be answered with a yes or no.
Use their answers, and the tips I went over last week to build on the conversation. You can check last week’s post by clicking here.
Here are some example questions you can ask, and breakdown of each topic.
·         What is your family like?
·         What was it like growing up as a kid?
·         Do you have any siblings? And then a follow-up question. If she does have siblings you can ask her what her siblings are like. If she doesn’t, you can ask do you ever wish you did.
Studies have shown that when people share family-related matters with strangers, they feel closer to them. You’ll have to keep that in mind when knowing how to talk to women. After all, you usually only share personal information with close friends.
The challenge, however, is that asking about family upfront can sometimes come off too strong.
What you want to do instead is branch the conversation in a way that family naturally comes up.
There are two ways you can do this.
One, you can talk about your family first.
For example, when I was recently talking to a girl, I mentioned how I was excited to see my little sister over the holidays. I then asked if she had any siblings, which she didn’t. I then asked if she ever wishes she had some, which lead the conversation towards the family.
The second way is by making assumptions about her. Next time you talk to a girl you could say, “You look like you come from a big family”.
Whether your right or wrong doesn’t matter. Making assumptions is a great way to create a sense of curiosity and spark a conversation.
She’ll either wonder why you think she comes from a big family or corrects your statement. Either way, you’re now on the topic of family.
·         How’s your job going?
·         How did you get into your field?
·         What are your career plans?
Our work makes up a big portion of our lives and is probably one of the most used conversation starters. Because of that, it’s the easiest topic out of the four to start with.
The trick about making this topic work is not to dwell on the surface level conversation.
Let’s say you’re on a date and ask her, “What do you do for a living?”. “I’m a school teacher”, she says.
Most guys make the mistake of staying on the surface level asking questions like, “What subject do you teach?”, “What grade?”, “What school?”.
Instead, I recommend you move to deeper topics.
The way to do that is by getting to the root motivation and emotions for becoming a teacher. You could ask her, “What inspired you to become a teacher?”. You could also comment how “It must feel incredible knowing you’re making an impact on these children at such a pivotal time in their life.”
See how this can lead to a deeper conversation than asking, “What subject do you teach?”
·         What do you do for fun?
·         What do you like to do that brings a smile to your face?
·         Any vacations planned for next year?
·         Are you into any pro sports? What’s your favorite team?
Everyone has some sort of hobby, interest, and passion. When getting to know how to talk to women, it’s important to talk about interests.
Like the occupation questions, avoid sticking to surface level topics. Instead, jump into the deep end by focusing on the motivation and emotions.
A great way to segue from occupation to recreation is by asking, “What do you like to do when you’re not working?”
The best mentality to have on this topic is wondering, “Why is this activity so exciting for this person?”
Chances are, the person you’re talking to has a hobby that you may know nothing about.
Maybe they love rock climbing but you’ve never been. You could say, “Oh that’s cool. I’ve always thought rock climbing was an interesting sport. Why do you like it so much?”
Following up with questions like this allow the other person to dive deeper into their hobby and explain why they love it.
As Dale Carnegie says in his book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, “It’s better to be interested than interesting.”
·         What did you want to be when you were a kid?
·         If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
·         What do you think you’ll be doing in five years?
·         What’s your favorite place to visit?
·         What’s the most exciting thing on your bucket list?
This is one of the most powerful topics you can talk to someone about.
Unfortunately, most people are told to take the “safe” route instead of pursuing their dreams.
If you’re one of the few people that actually brings up and supports their dream, the other person will think very fondly of you.
This is usually the last of the four topics I bring up. Most people are sensitive when discussing their dreams since they are so used to people focusing on why it can’t happen.
Because of this, be sure to build up a good amount of rapport, from the other three topics, so you can get truly meaningful responses to dream questions.
Again, just like the previous two topics, get into deeper level conversations. Focus on the motivation and emotions associated with their response. You’re getting to understand how to talk to women. And you’ll definitely have an easier time establishing rapport.
 Your Weekend Mission (If you choose to accept)
1.       Beginners: Memorize one question for each section and do 3 approaches with the focus of using the FORD method to build comfort. The goal would be to touch all four topics using the questions you memorized.
2.       Advanced: Same as beginners, but 6 approaches. They only count if you can get through the entire FORD method.  
Alright, guys, that’s how to talk to women and have deeper conversations. Using the FORD method!
Be sure to go out there and start implementing it RIGHT AWAY. Success loves the speed of implementation.
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louisekingus · 4 years ago
BCAA Supplements
Check out today’s top 10 BCAA Supplements deals below.. click here.
The Best BCAA Supplements – Buy Only From Proven and Reputable Sources
Taking BCAA before, during and after workouts can benefit you. BCAA supplements can help strengthen your muscles, help tone your body, improve your mental alertness and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. BCAA supplements also can help with anxiety and depression.
Taking BCAA before, during and after workouts. BCAA can be very beneficial to those with liver damage or those who are prone to liver cancer. As with most supplements, it is best to consult with your doctor and do your research before taking on such a drastic dietary change. This way, you can make sure that you do not exceed the recommended dosage.
Taking BCAA before, during and after workouts can also help prevent the effects of aging. Many people who take BCAA before, during and after workouts are able to stay active and in good shape for longer periods of time.
There are a variety of BCAA supplements available in the market. Some of these supplements may contain other ingredients as well as glucosamine, chondroitin, amino acids, glutamine, vitamin A and D3, minerals and vitamins. To find out which BCAA supplements work for you, first make sure that you are eating the right kind of food.
If you want to find the best BCAA supplements, then it would be best to buy them from a reputed online pharmacy. This way, you will get to know about the various brands and types of supplements available in the market. It is also advisable to check on the nutritional values of each supplement.
Before taking BCAA supplements, ensure that you consult your doctor or dietitian before starting a new diet or if you are suffering from any other medical condition. Take note that taking too much of this supplement can lead to severe problems like cardiac arrest, kidney failure and even death.
Do not take more than one tablet of BCAA per day and consult a doctor before consuming it. You may also consult your doctor or pharmacist before using it if you are allergic to any ingredient. of a certain supplement.
Choose the different brands of BCAA supplements carefully and read their labels carefully. They should have the necessary ingredients listed out clearly. This way, you can avoid getting sick or having any side effect. If you are worried about getting sick, consult your doctor before buying.
Make sure that the supplements are natural and not synthetic. Some of the BCAA supplements have added ingredients like caffeine and guarana. You should also consider whether you are allergic to these ingredients. Some people do not react to caffeine, but others will become extremely sensitive to it.
The best BCAA supplement will have all the essential ingredients listed on the label so that you can easily identify them. if you get a strange taste in your mouth or feel sleepy or tired after taking it.
Before purchasing supplements, make sure that they come with a money back guarantee. to ensure that you get your money’s worth. after making use of the supplement. Always read the manufacturer’s disclaimer and see how long it takes the manufacturer to return your money if the supplement does not work well for you.
Always buy from reputable companies with good customer testimonials. Check on their website and see how long they have been in business.
You can also search the internet to find a company with a good reputation. Visit their website to read customer testimonials to check out how satisfied other users are with the supplement. Make sure that you follow these few tips before buying BCAA supplements.
The Best BCAA Supplements For Weight Loss
Do you want to know what the best BCAA supplements are? There are many different products on the market, and not all of them have been tested thoroughly. This article is going to tell you about some of the best supplements that are available today and which ones you need to know about.
When it comes to BCAA’s, amino acids are the building blocks of muscle tissue. A few supplements that have a great amount of these amino acids in them include MuscleTech Amino Mix, MuscleTech Novex Amino Complex, and Pro-Series Amino Complex. Animal Juice Amino is another BCAA supplement that will help you build more muscle and recover faster when included in your daily diet.
These are just three of the many supplements available for a BCAA supplement. Each one has its own purpose and it is important to find the one that is going to work best for you. Before you start a supplement program or take any type of diet supplement, you should make sure that it is a good fit for you and your current lifestyle.
It is also important to consult your physician first before taking any type of diet supplement. Your doctor may be able to recommend a BCAA diet supplement for you if he or she thinks that you are at risk for an amino acid deficiency. Your doctor is the best person to tell you if a BCAA diet supplement is right for you. In the end, it is up to you and your own body to decide what supplements will work best for you.
The best BCAA diet supplements are those which are natural and have minimal side effects. If you suffer from any form of an amino acid deficiency, you should always talk to your doctor before starting any supplement plan. They can give you their opinion as to whether or not a certain BCAA diet supplement will work for you.
No matter which type of supplements you decide to take, it is important to make sure that the supplement is safe. It is important to ensure that you do not get any type of negative side effects from taking a supplement. Even supplements that are labeled as organic and natural should be avoided if you are not sure.
One of the best supplements available today is known as Acai. This Brazilian fruit has become incredibly popular because of its many health benefits. Acai contains the most of the BCAA’s in the world as well as the key amino acids that your body needs. This supplement is available in capsule and powder form.
One of the best BCAA supplement products to consider for a weight loss program is Acai Berry. If you have a high quality product, this supplement will help you increase your metabolism and burn fat faster. This supplement is available both in powder and capsule form.
Acai is considered to be one of the best supplements for weight loss because of all the health benefits it provides. Acai contains plenty of the key BCAAs along with some other important nutrients, such as antioxidants and amino acids. This product is an ideal choice for any individual looking to lose weight because it contains a lot of the nutrients and vitamins your body needs to stay healthy.
Supplements that contain the protein building proteins leucine and arginine are also very beneficial for anyone trying to lose weight. These two types of amino acids are essential in helping to increase your protein intake. These supplements also help your body to create energy through the release of amino acids into your muscles.
While you are considering all of the supplements available on the market, it is important to think about Acai’s ability to boost your metabolism. This supplement is also very important because of how it will help you reduce your cravings for carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are used in the body for energy. As long as you are consuming enough carbohydrates, you should have the energy to complete daily tasks.
With any of these supplements, you should consult with your doctor first and decide if it is a good choice for your specific situation. Once you know exactly what you need in order to reach your goal for weight loss, you will be much more likely to stick with your weight loss plan. Once you begin taking the best BCAA supplements on the market, you will begin to notice a difference in the way you feel and the way you look!
What to Look For in a Weight Loss Supplement
The Best BCAA Supplements to help you build muscle, burn fat and keep your body healthy and strong. Here are some of the top BCAA supplements on the market today, from quick-releasing amino acids to complete keto-friendly products made with your specific dietary needs in mind.
The Quick-Release Amino Acids: While there are many supplements out there that contain the quickest of all BCAA’s, many of these supplements have a short shelf life and can even be harmful if taken with other substances, such as chocolate, caffeine, or even salt. However, many of the supplements that contain BCAAs are quick-release, so that they release their BCAAs quickly into your muscles, and this is great for the average bodybuilder who needs a quick supply of energy. As well, these supplements have no nasty side effects, which is always a good thing for the bodybuilding world.
The Complete Ketosis: With the Complete Ketosis supplement, you get everything your body could ever want in one package. It contains BCAAs, but it also has the necessary fats and proteins needed by the body for complete ketosis. This supplement also contains no sugar or calories, so you’re never hungry again. In addition, you get many other nutrients and vitamins that are needed by the body, as well as creatine.
Ketosis is a process where your body breaks down stored fats and replaces it with a faster burning energy source known as ketones. There are many benefits to using a ketosis supplement, especially if you’re looking to lose weight or build muscle. These supplements have a very high concentration of BCAAs, which can help your body burn fat more quickly.
The Complete Ketosis also has several other nutrients and ingredients in it that help you get the maximum amount of energy from your food. These include Creatine and the essential amino acids arginine and glycine. These supplements can also help to regulate your appetite, which helps you maintain a regular weight loss and calorie deficit. while you’re building muscle and losing weight at the same time.
The Complete Ketosis also contains no refined sugar, as well as no saturated fats. These are important elements for proper dieting, as your body will need them for energy. if you want to maintain a healthy body and lose weight.
The ketosis supplement can help you with your diet, weight loss and overall fitness in many ways. Some of the many benefits of the ketosis supplement include better blood flow, an increase in metabolism, improved circulation, and more energy throughout the day. Many people swear by it as one of the top supplements on the market for bodybuilding and weight loss, and it’s one of the leading weight loss supplements out there.
The best BCAA supplements are only found on the internet, so it’s easy to find the ones you need and compare prices without leaving home. Also, because they are online, you can buy them online for free without having to leave home. You just need to go to the website and buy the supplement that’s right for you, without paying shipping and handling costs. All the best!
The best weight loss supplement can be found online, but it’s very important that you know what you’re getting yourself into. While these supplements are usually well made, you need to be aware of what you’re taking. If you don’t know much about nutritional supplements, you need to do a little research before you purchase anything.
Good nutritionists know their stuff, and they can give you advice on what you’re taking and how to avoid harmful side effects. Always make sure to read the ingredients list to make sure you’re not taking anything that could harm you.
When it comes to buying the best BCAAs, you can either buy them online, or by mail. Be sure to check the expiration date on the bottle so you know exactly how long you have to take it.
Keep in mind that supplements are not magic wands to lose weight and be in good shape. They can’t be taken on their own, but they can certainly play a large role in your success at weight loss.
The Best BCAA As Supplement
BCAAs (Branched Chain Amino Acids) are some of the most important and beneficial compounds to a body builder, body weight trainer, or sportsperson. They are also the subject of our next “Best of BCAA Articles.
BCAAs have long been recognized as some of the best amino acids for building muscle and increasing stamina. The best BCAA supplements can help you build muscle quickly. These BCAA supplements contain branched chain amino acids and are more effective than other supplements at increasing protein synthesis, increasing muscle mass, and increasing the amount of muscle tissue in your body. They are also a much safer alternative than taking steroids and other dangerous supplements.
Branched chain amino acids are considered the building blocks of muscle tissue. They are essential to the production of energy during workouts and are used by the body to build muscle and repair tissue after workouts. BCAA’s are also very effective in helping you lose weight.
Branched chain amino acids are very similar to the ones found in the brain. It has been proven that they are more effective in helping to repair and rebuild the cells in your body than the ones found in your muscles. They have also been shown to increase the amount of muscle mass and improve metabolism, which can help to speed up your metabolism and burn calories more efficiently. Since they are so similar to the ones in your brain, you can increase your workout by using them as your source of energy instead of other sources. This means you will be able to use more fat-burning exercise and you can focus on getting bigger and stronger muscles.
They are also effective in helping you to lose weight, which is one of the best ways of getting great results. Since they work by burning more fat than carbohydrates, you will be able to lose weight much faster than with most other supplements.
Because these supplements are natural, they don’t have any side effects associated with them, which makes them very safe to use. They have also been shown to improve your overall health because they improve your overall diet, which means you eat healthier and have fewer calories.
Branched chain amino acids to help you maintain muscle tissue and can help you lose weight more effectively. If you do not have enough protein in your diet or if your muscles get damaged, then you can suffer from an injury, which can result in permanent damage to the muscles and make your training ineffective.
By using BCAA’s, you can help to ensure you are getting all the nutrients you need and to get the maximum benefit out of your workout. These supplements are designed to make sure you are getting all the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants you need in order to get the results you are looking for.
You can use these supplements in many different ways to help you get a better workout. If you want to do more intense exercises, then you can mix them in with your weight lifting routine so that you can get the most benefits from your workout.
Another way to use these supplements is to take them before you go to the gym and do some crunches. You can use a small amount in your diet and if you do this enough, then you will see results and your muscles will look larger and firmer. than they actually look.
Supplements have a number of benefits, which is why many people want to take them. There are some people who have been known to use them to lose weight, which can be done by consuming more protein. When you take these supplements, you will see an improvement in your metabolism, which means you will be able to burn more calories and more fat while you are exercising.
Other people use these supplements to reduce the amount of calories they consume. By taking the supplement you can cut the amount of fat you eat, which means you will be able to use up calories more efficiently so that you will be able to lose weight more quickly. There are also some other supplements available, such as creatine, which is good for your mental health and helps to make you healthier, which can make a huge difference in your overall well being.
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Optimum Nutrition Instantized BCAA Capsules, Keto Friendly Branched Chain Essential Amino Acids, 1000mg, 400 Count
$26.84 ($0.07 / Count)
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XTEND Original BCAA Powder Italian Blood Orange | Sugar Free Post Workout Muscle Recovery Drink with Amino Acids | 7g BCAAs for Men & Women | 30 Servings
$24.17 ($1.63 / Ounce)
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MusclePharm Essentials BCAA Powder, Post-Workout Recovery Drink, Fruit Punch, 30 Servings
$14.99 ($1.64 / Ounce)
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XTEND Sport BCAA Powder Blue Raspberry Ice | Electrolyte Powder for Recovery & Hydration with Amino Acids | 30 Servings
$19.99 ($1.64 / Ounce)
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BulkSupplements.com BCAA 2:1:1 (Branched Chain Amino Acids) (1 Kilogram - 2.2 lbs - 667 Servings)
$39.96 ($1.13 / Ounce)
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Optimum Nutrition Amino Energy + Electrolytes - Pre Workout, BCAAs, Amino Acids, Keto Friendly, Energy Powder -Watermelon Splash, 30 Servings
$20.99 ($2.09 / Ounce)
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TRU BCAA Powder, Plant Based Branched Chain Amino Acids, Vegan Friendly, Zero Calories, No Artificial Sweeteners or Dyes, Improve Fat Loss (30 Servings, Pink Guava)
$37.99 ($37.99 / Count)
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Jarrow Formulas BCAA Branched Chain Amino Acid Complex, Promotes Sports Nutrition and Post-Workout Recovery*, 120 Caps
$7.39 ($0.06 / Count)
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Modern Man BCAA Powder - Muscle Building Post Workout Recovery Supplement with Essential and Branched Chain Amino Acids, Train Longer, Recover Faster, Grow Bigger - with PeakO2, Amino9, and Carb10
$29.97 ($1.92 / Ounce)
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MuscleTech Myobuild BCAA Amino Acids Supplement, Muscle Building and Recovery Formula with Betaine & Electrolytes, Fruit Punch Blast, 45 Servings (416g), 14.68 Ounce
$20.49 ($1.40 / Ounce)
5 / 5 ( 53 votes )
The post BCAA Supplements appeared first on gymstore4u.co.uk.
Via https://www.gymstore4u.com/bcaa-supplements/
source https://gymstore4usa.weebly.com/blog/bcaa-supplements
0 notes
debraandersonus · 4 years ago
BCAA Supplements
Check out today’s top 10 BCAA Supplements deals below.. click here.
The Best BCAA Supplements – Buy Only From Proven and Reputable Sources
Taking BCAA before, during and after workouts can benefit you. BCAA supplements can help strengthen your muscles, help tone your body, improve your mental alertness and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. BCAA supplements also can help with anxiety and depression.
Taking BCAA before, during and after workouts. BCAA can be very beneficial to those with liver damage or those who are prone to liver cancer. As with most supplements, it is best to consult with your doctor and do your research before taking on such a drastic dietary change. This way, you can make sure that you do not exceed the recommended dosage.
Taking BCAA before, during and after workouts can also help prevent the effects of aging. Many people who take BCAA before, during and after workouts are able to stay active and in good shape for longer periods of time.
There are a variety of BCAA supplements available in the market. Some of these supplements may contain other ingredients as well as glucosamine, chondroitin, amino acids, glutamine, vitamin A and D3, minerals and vitamins. To find out which BCAA supplements work for you, first make sure that you are eating the right kind of food.
If you want to find the best BCAA supplements, then it would be best to buy them from a reputed online pharmacy. This way, you will get to know about the various brands and types of supplements available in the market. It is also advisable to check on the nutritional values of each supplement.
Before taking BCAA supplements, ensure that you consult your doctor or dietitian before starting a new diet or if you are suffering from any other medical condition. Take note that taking too much of this supplement can lead to severe problems like cardiac arrest, kidney failure and even death.
Do not take more than one tablet of BCAA per day and consult a doctor before consuming it. You may also consult your doctor or pharmacist before using it if you are allergic to any ingredient. of a certain supplement.
Choose the different brands of BCAA supplements carefully and read their labels carefully. They should have the necessary ingredients listed out clearly. This way, you can avoid getting sick or having any side effect. If you are worried about getting sick, consult your doctor before buying.
Make sure that the supplements are natural and not synthetic. Some of the BCAA supplements have added ingredients like caffeine and guarana. You should also consider whether you are allergic to these ingredients. Some people do not react to caffeine, but others will become extremely sensitive to it.
The best BCAA supplement will have all the essential ingredients listed on the label so that you can easily identify them. if you get a strange taste in your mouth or feel sleepy or tired after taking it.
Before purchasing supplements, make sure that they come with a money back guarantee. to ensure that you get your money’s worth. after making use of the supplement. Always read the manufacturer’s disclaimer and see how long it takes the manufacturer to return your money if the supplement does not work well for you.
Always buy from reputable companies with good customer testimonials. Check on their website and see how long they have been in business.
You can also search the internet to find a company with a good reputation. Visit their website to read customer testimonials to check out how satisfied other users are with the supplement. Make sure that you follow these few tips before buying BCAA supplements.
The Best BCAA Supplements For Weight Loss
Do you want to know what the best BCAA supplements are? There are many different products on the market, and not all of them have been tested thoroughly. This article is going to tell you about some of the best supplements that are available today and which ones you need to know about.
When it comes to BCAA’s, amino acids are the building blocks of muscle tissue. A few supplements that have a great amount of these amino acids in them include MuscleTech Amino Mix, MuscleTech Novex Amino Complex, and Pro-Series Amino Complex. Animal Juice Amino is another BCAA supplement that will help you build more muscle and recover faster when included in your daily diet.
These are just three of the many supplements available for a BCAA supplement. Each one has its own purpose and it is important to find the one that is going to work best for you. Before you start a supplement program or take any type of diet supplement, you should make sure that it is a good fit for you and your current lifestyle.
It is also important to consult your physician first before taking any type of diet supplement. Your doctor may be able to recommend a BCAA diet supplement for you if he or she thinks that you are at risk for an amino acid deficiency. Your doctor is the best person to tell you if a BCAA diet supplement is right for you. In the end, it is up to you and your own body to decide what supplements will work best for you.
The best BCAA diet supplements are those which are natural and have minimal side effects. If you suffer from any form of an amino acid deficiency, you should always talk to your doctor before starting any supplement plan. They can give you their opinion as to whether or not a certain BCAA diet supplement will work for you.
No matter which type of supplements you decide to take, it is important to make sure that the supplement is safe. It is important to ensure that you do not get any type of negative side effects from taking a supplement. Even supplements that are labeled as organic and natural should be avoided if you are not sure.
One of the best supplements available today is known as Acai. This Brazilian fruit has become incredibly popular because of its many health benefits. Acai contains the most of the BCAA’s in the world as well as the key amino acids that your body needs. This supplement is available in capsule and powder form.
One of the best BCAA supplement products to consider for a weight loss program is Acai Berry. If you have a high quality product, this supplement will help you increase your metabolism and burn fat faster. This supplement is available both in powder and capsule form.
Acai is considered to be one of the best supplements for weight loss because of all the health benefits it provides. Acai contains plenty of the key BCAAs along with some other important nutrients, such as antioxidants and amino acids. This product is an ideal choice for any individual looking to lose weight because it contains a lot of the nutrients and vitamins your body needs to stay healthy.
Supplements that contain the protein building proteins leucine and arginine are also very beneficial for anyone trying to lose weight. These two types of amino acids are essential in helping to increase your protein intake. These supplements also help your body to create energy through the release of amino acids into your muscles.
While you are considering all of the supplements available on the market, it is important to think about Acai’s ability to boost your metabolism. This supplement is also very important because of how it will help you reduce your cravings for carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are used in the body for energy. As long as you are consuming enough carbohydrates, you should have the energy to complete daily tasks.
With any of these supplements, you should consult with your doctor first and decide if it is a good choice for your specific situation. Once you know exactly what you need in order to reach your goal for weight loss, you will be much more likely to stick with your weight loss plan. Once you begin taking the best BCAA supplements on the market, you will begin to notice a difference in the way you feel and the way you look!
What to Look For in a Weight Loss Supplement
The Best BCAA Supplements to help you build muscle, burn fat and keep your body healthy and strong. Here are some of the top BCAA supplements on the market today, from quick-releasing amino acids to complete keto-friendly products made with your specific dietary needs in mind.
The Quick-Release Amino Acids: While there are many supplements out there that contain the quickest of all BCAA’s, many of these supplements have a short shelf life and can even be harmful if taken with other substances, such as chocolate, caffeine, or even salt. However, many of the supplements that contain BCAAs are quick-release, so that they release their BCAAs quickly into your muscles, and this is great for the average bodybuilder who needs a quick supply of energy. As well, these supplements have no nasty side effects, which is always a good thing for the bodybuilding world.
The Complete Ketosis: With the Complete Ketosis supplement, you get everything your body could ever want in one package. It contains BCAAs, but it also has the necessary fats and proteins needed by the body for complete ketosis. This supplement also contains no sugar or calories, so you’re never hungry again. In addition, you get many other nutrients and vitamins that are needed by the body, as well as creatine.
Ketosis is a process where your body breaks down stored fats and replaces it with a faster burning energy source known as ketones. There are many benefits to using a ketosis supplement, especially if you’re looking to lose weight or build muscle. These supplements have a very high concentration of BCAAs, which can help your body burn fat more quickly.
The Complete Ketosis also has several other nutrients and ingredients in it that help you get the maximum amount of energy from your food. These include Creatine and the essential amino acids arginine and glycine. These supplements can also help to regulate your appetite, which helps you maintain a regular weight loss and calorie deficit. while you’re building muscle and losing weight at the same time.
The Complete Ketosis also contains no refined sugar, as well as no saturated fats. These are important elements for proper dieting, as your body will need them for energy. if you want to maintain a healthy body and lose weight.
The ketosis supplement can help you with your diet, weight loss and overall fitness in many ways. Some of the many benefits of the ketosis supplement include better blood flow, an increase in metabolism, improved circulation, and more energy throughout the day. Many people swear by it as one of the top supplements on the market for bodybuilding and weight loss, and it’s one of the leading weight loss supplements out there.
The best BCAA supplements are only found on the internet, so it’s easy to find the ones you need and compare prices without leaving home. Also, because they are online, you can buy them online for free without having to leave home. You just need to go to the website and buy the supplement that’s right for you, without paying shipping and handling costs. All the best!
The best weight loss supplement can be found online, but it’s very important that you know what you’re getting yourself into. While these supplements are usually well made, you need to be aware of what you’re taking. If you don’t know much about nutritional supplements, you need to do a little research before you purchase anything.
Good nutritionists know their stuff, and they can give you advice on what you’re taking and how to avoid harmful side effects. Always make sure to read the ingredients list to make sure you’re not taking anything that could harm you.
When it comes to buying the best BCAAs, you can either buy them online, or by mail. Be sure to check the expiration date on the bottle so you know exactly how long you have to take it.
Keep in mind that supplements are not magic wands to lose weight and be in good shape. They can’t be taken on their own, but they can certainly play a large role in your success at weight loss.
The Best BCAA As Supplement
BCAAs (Branched Chain Amino Acids) are some of the most important and beneficial compounds to a body builder, body weight trainer, or sportsperson. They are also the subject of our next “Best of BCAA Articles.
BCAAs have long been recognized as some of the best amino acids for building muscle and increasing stamina. The best BCAA supplements can help you build muscle quickly. These BCAA supplements contain branched chain amino acids and are more effective than other supplements at increasing protein synthesis, increasing muscle mass, and increasing the amount of muscle tissue in your body. They are also a much safer alternative than taking steroids and other dangerous supplements.
Branched chain amino acids are considered the building blocks of muscle tissue. They are essential to the production of energy during workouts and are used by the body to build muscle and repair tissue after workouts. BCAA’s are also very effective in helping you lose weight.
Branched chain amino acids are very similar to the ones found in the brain. It has been proven that they are more effective in helping to repair and rebuild the cells in your body than the ones found in your muscles. They have also been shown to increase the amount of muscle mass and improve metabolism, which can help to speed up your metabolism and burn calories more efficiently. Since they are so similar to the ones in your brain, you can increase your workout by using them as your source of energy instead of other sources. This means you will be able to use more fat-burning exercise and you can focus on getting bigger and stronger muscles.
They are also effective in helping you to lose weight, which is one of the best ways of getting great results. Since they work by burning more fat than carbohydrates, you will be able to lose weight much faster than with most other supplements.
Because these supplements are natural, they don’t have any side effects associated with them, which makes them very safe to use. They have also been shown to improve your overall health because they improve your overall diet, which means you eat healthier and have fewer calories.
Branched chain amino acids to help you maintain muscle tissue and can help you lose weight more effectively. If you do not have enough protein in your diet or if your muscles get damaged, then you can suffer from an injury, which can result in permanent damage to the muscles and make your training ineffective.
By using BCAA’s, you can help to ensure you are getting all the nutrients you need and to get the maximum benefit out of your workout. These supplements are designed to make sure you are getting all the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants you need in order to get the results you are looking for.
You can use these supplements in many different ways to help you get a better workout. If you want to do more intense exercises, then you can mix them in with your weight lifting routine so that you can get the most benefits from your workout.
Another way to use these supplements is to take them before you go to the gym and do some crunches. You can use a small amount in your diet and if you do this enough, then you will see results and your muscles will look larger and firmer. than they actually look.
Supplements have a number of benefits, which is why many people want to take them. There are some people who have been known to use them to lose weight, which can be done by consuming more protein. When you take these supplements, you will see an improvement in your metabolism, which means you will be able to burn more calories and more fat while you are exercising.
Other people use these supplements to reduce the amount of calories they consume. By taking the supplement you can cut the amount of fat you eat, which means you will be able to use up calories more efficiently so that you will be able to lose weight more quickly. There are also some other supplements available, such as creatine, which is good for your mental health and helps to make you healthier, which can make a huge difference in your overall well being.
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Optimum Nutrition Instantized BCAA Capsules, Keto Friendly Branched Chain Essential Amino Acids, 1000mg, 400 Count
$26.84 ($0.07 / Count)
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XTEND Original BCAA Powder Italian Blood Orange | Sugar Free Post Workout Muscle Recovery Drink with Amino Acids | 7g BCAAs for Men & Women | 30 Servings
$24.17 ($1.63 / Ounce)
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MusclePharm Essentials BCAA Powder, Post-Workout Recovery Drink, Fruit Punch, 30 Servings
$14.99 ($1.64 / Ounce)
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XTEND Sport BCAA Powder Blue Raspberry Ice | Electrolyte Powder for Recovery & Hydration with Amino Acids | 30 Servings
$19.99 ($1.64 / Ounce)
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BulkSupplements.com BCAA 2:1:1 (Branched Chain Amino Acids) (1 Kilogram - 2.2 lbs - 667 Servings)
$39.96 ($1.13 / Ounce)
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Optimum Nutrition Amino Energy + Electrolytes - Pre Workout, BCAAs, Amino Acids, Keto Friendly, Energy Powder -Watermelon Splash, 30 Servings
$20.99 ($2.09 / Ounce)
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TRU BCAA Powder, Plant Based Branched Chain Amino Acids, Vegan Friendly, Zero Calories, No Artificial Sweeteners or Dyes, Improve Fat Loss (30 Servings, Pink Guava)
$37.99 ($37.99 / Count)
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Jarrow Formulas BCAA Branched Chain Amino Acid Complex, Promotes Sports Nutrition and Post-Workout Recovery*, 120 Caps
$7.39 ($0.06 / Count)
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Modern Man BCAA Powder - Muscle Building Post Workout Recovery Supplement with Essential and Branched Chain Amino Acids, Train Longer, Recover Faster, Grow Bigger - with PeakO2, Amino9, and Carb10
$29.97 ($1.92 / Ounce)
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MuscleTech Myobuild BCAA Amino Acids Supplement, Muscle Building and Recovery Formula with Betaine & Electrolytes, Fruit Punch Blast, 45 Servings (416g), 14.68 Ounce
$20.49 ($1.40 / Ounce)
5 / 5 ( 53 votes )
The post BCAA Supplements appeared first on gymstore4u.co.uk.
source https://www.gymstore4u.com/bcaa-supplements/ source https://gymstore4usa.tumblr.com/post/627089647498084352
0 notes
tak4hir0 · 6 years ago
A few years ago, the HubSpot team made the switch to Slack (one of the hottest real-time messaging apps on the market). Initially, it was hard to get used to uttering phrases like "Just Slack me" or "We were Slacking" in passing. But once we got more comfortable with the platform, we started to realize just how powerful it really is. The more we used Slack, the better our discoveries got -- GIFs, reminders, files ... they were all just a click or two away.But that's just the thing: Slack is capable of so much that it's hard to uncover what features you really should be using. To help, we put together some of the best Slack hacks below. From creating to-do lists to customizing your theme, these pro tips are worth showing off to your team. 25 Handy Tips for Using Slack 1. Conduct advanced searches. One of the great things about Slack is that messages and files are easily searchable. Because channels move so fast, you can use these advanced search commands to pull up exactly what you're looking for without wasting any time. Channels and direct messages in:channelname - Searches only the messages and/or files in a specific channel. in:name - Searches your direct messages with a specific user. Messages or files from a specific person from:username - Limits your search to messages from a specific person in any channel or direct message. from:me - Searches only messages you've sent, anywhere in Slack. Links, starred items, and emoji reactions has:link - Narrows your search to messages that contain a specific URL. has:star - Pulls messages you've starred. has::emojiname: - Searches messages that contain a specific emoji. Dates and times before: Use words like "yesterday" or "today." after: Use words like "week," "month," or "year." on: or during: Use specific dates and range keywords, such as "Monday," "February," or "2016." (Pro tip: To use very specific dates, use the MM/DD/YYYY (United States) or YYYY/MM/DD (International) format.) For more on searching in Slack, check out this resource. 2. Use the /remind commands to create a to-do list. Set a Slackbot reminder to help you keep track of what you need to get done. To get started, simply enter /remind into the text box, followed by your task. (Note: Only you will be able to see the command and the reminder.) You can schedule a reminder for a specific time or set a date using the MM/DD/YYYY format. If you want to review your list of reminders, simply use the command /remind list. From there, you can mark certain tasks as complete or delete the ones you no longer need. 3. React with a GIF. Let's face it: We all love GIFs. And thanks to the Giphy integration, you can share hilarious GIFs with your coworkers using the /Giphy [emotion, word, or phrase] command. To set up the Giphy app, visit this page. From here, all you'll have to do is click "Install" next to your team name, then click "Add Giphy Integration." Note: Giphy can be a hit or miss ... sometimes the GIFs are NSFW or not quite right for the situation. But, if you don't mind gambling with the results, this hack is very easy to set up. 4. Use the /collapse & /expand commands to open and close files. Weeding your way through a sea of GIFs to get to the comment you're looking for? You can collapse all inline images and video by using the /collapse command. When you need to reference the visuals again, simply enter /expand to make them reappear. 5. Add text and link formatting to your Slack messages.. Want to call out text, make edits, display a link, or share code? Reference the following syntax: Slack link formatting: To share a link with a preview image, just send a URL in a message. Slack will automatically create a preview unless a user has their preview settings turned off. Note: It is not yet possible to hyperlink specific words in a Slack message. Emphasis: To create bold text, surround your word or phrase with *asterisks.* To italicize text, place _underscores_ around a section. Strikethrough: To strike out certain words, use ~tilde~ to surround the text. Lists: To create lists, select "Shift" + "Enter" to add a new line. To add bullet points, select Opt+8 (Mac) or Alt+0149 (PC). Insert a paragraph break: If you want to break up words without using a list, use a soft return. Instead of hitting enter at the end of a sentence, which will send the message, hold shift and tap the enter key to start a new line. Blockquotes: " to indent multiple paragraphs. Code blocks: To display a section as inline fixed-width text, use single `backticks` around the selected area. To create a block of pre-formatted, fixed-width text, use triple ```backticks.``` 6. Toggle between statuses using the /away command. Don't leave your coworkers hanging. If you have to step away from your computer or head to a meeting, make it clear by adjusting your status. To quickly toggle between "away" and "active," use the /away command. 7. Add notifications for keywords and phrases. Whether you're managing a specific project or trying to keep tabs on a certain department or activity, adjusting your settings to enable custom notifications can be a huge time saver. To get notified when a specific word or phrase is mentioned, start by selecting your name from the top left corner, then clicking "Preferences" from the drop-down menu. From there, select "Notification Settings" and scroll down to "Highlight Words." In the text box, add words or phrases that you'd like to be notified about (making sure to separate them by commas). 8. Quickly send a private message using the /msg command. Sometimes we find ourselves with questions that warrant the attention of everyone in a specific channel. You know, important things such as, "Does anyone have a stapler?" or "Who is free for lunch?" After you ask a question, avoid any further disruption by following up with people via a private message. For example, once you know Steve is free to grab a bite to eat, use the following command to quickly open up a private message to hash out the details: /msg @user [your message]. 9. Edit messages you've already sent. We've all said things we wish we could take back. And with Slack, you can ... kinda. To quickly edit a message you've sent in a conversation, press the ↑ arrow key, edit your message, then press "Enter." This feature is especially useful when you do something terribly embarrassing, like use the wrong form of "their": 10. Connect your Google Drive to Slack. A lot of teams are already using Google Drive to create and store files online, so why not get the best of both worlds? When you connect your Google Drive with Slack, you have the ability to read and index imported files, and quickly search for them whenever you need them. There are two ways to connect your Google Drive to Slack: If you have a Google Drive link you want to share, simply paste it into a message box. This will prompt Slackbot to deliver the following message: Click "Yes" to grant Google Drive permission to read the file. If you don't have a file you're ready to share, but want to connect Google Drive for future use, visit the Google Drive app page "Allow." 11. Customize your Slack theme. Whether you use Slack for different groups and want to stay organized, or you just want to personalize the look and feel of your account, you can adjust your theme by selecting your name in the top left corner. "Sidebar Theme." From here, you can explore and select themes or scroll down to "Custom Theme" to put in your own HTML color values. 12. Connect IFTTT to Slack to automate tasks. Serving like a universal adaptor, IFTTT is a handy tool that allows you to automate tasks between two services. And when you connect IFTTT with Slack, the possibilities are seemingly endless. To do so, start by signing up for IFTTT or signing into your existing account. Then, activate the connection here. Once the two are hooked, you can browse "recipes" or create your own to begin automating tasks. To get you started, check out a few of our favorites:   (Or get notifications about assigned Trello cards.) 13. Create your very own emoji. To get started, click on your name in the top left corner and select "Customize Slack" from the dropdown menu. Fill out the form to create your custom emoji. First, you'll need to provide a name for the icon -- this is what you will enter to display the emoji. Next, upload an emoji image. Slack asks that you use a square image no larger than 128px in width or height, with a file size smaller than 64K. To remove the background from the image (as seen in the Ryan Gosling example below), check out this tutorial. 14. Create custom triggers for Slackbot responses. Make Slack your own by customizing Slackbot's automated responses to certain words or phrases. To do so, click on your name in the top left corner and select "Customize Slack" from the dropdown menu. Select the second tab from the left labeled "Slackbot" to access the message customization field. Insert one or multiple input phrases with commas, and then add a Slackbot response or responses by adding each one to its own line ("Shift" + "Enter"). If you insert multiple responses, Slack will call up one at random when it's triggered. For example, this automated Britney Spears response for the word "Oops!" turns mistakes into smiles. 15. Add custom loading messages. Ever notice the witty messages and tips displayed when Slack is loading? Well, you can add your very own loading messages for a fun, personalized experience. To start adding new messages, click on your name in the top left corner and select "Customize Slack" from the dropdown menu. Click on the third tab from the left labeled "Loading Messages," add a message in the text box, and hit "Add Message." Pro tip: There's never been a better opportunity to Rick Roll your coworkers than this. 16. Jump to any conversation in seconds using Slack's Quick Switcher. If you've got a really big team, it's likely that you're involved with quite a few Slack channels. To quickly and easily switch from a channel to a private message back to a different channel, simply hit ⌘ + K (Mac) or Ctrl + K (Windows and Linux). A popup will appear where you can begin typing a person or channel's and select the correct option to open the conversation. 17. Pose as a celebrity to fool your team. Troll your coworkers using Slacker -- a handy tool that allows you to post funny replies as your favorite character. Slacker comes with a ton of built in characters, from Kanye West to Marge Simpson. You can even add your own character by selecting the green "+" icon. Simply add a name, image URL, and default message to add them to your collection. 18. Use emoji reactions to take a quick poll. Words are hard. Sometimes it's a lot easier to let our coworkers know how we feel by reacting with an emoji. And on Slack, it's easy. Simply hover over a message and select the smiley face icon with the plus sign to select an emoji. Want to take things a step further? Reaction emojis make it really easy to quickly poll your team. Here's a great example from the folks at BetterCloud: Our office uses the reaction emojis in Slack for easy voting. What is your #SlackHack?@SlackHQ pic.twitter.com/RlXveBjgYY — BetterCloud (@bettercloud) February 8, 2016 19) Pull swatches using HTML color codes. Collaborating with another team member on a design project? Make quick color suggestions using HTML color codes. When you type out a code -- #F7761F, for example -- you'll see a tiny swatch appear, like this: 20. Created a to-do list using stars. Starring an item on Slack is a way to mark a task as important. To star an item, simply move your mouse of a message or file and select the grey star to make it turn yellow. To view your starred items, click the star icon in the top right corner. Starring requests and files that you need to work on makes it easy for you to create a to-do list on the fly. 21. Shake it off with a shruggie. Don't know the answer? Made a little mistake? Need to signal to your coworker that you actually have no idea what's going on this meeting? Send 'em a shruggie. Serving as the "default Internet feeling," a shruggie will say everything you need to say ... without saying anything at all. To pull it up, enter the /shrug command. 22. Edit your name in your profile to show when you're OOO. Whether you're OOO on vacation or out on maternity or paternity leave, you can signal this to your coworkers by adjusting your last name on Slack. For example, I'd change my first name to "Carly Stec," and add "OOO" in the last name field -- as seen in the example below. To edit your name, click your team name in the top left corner to open up the Team Menu. Then, select "View Profile & Account" to open the team directory and click "Edit" to open the profile editor. 23. Host a video call. Want to have a video chat with one of your Slack groups or a thread of multiple people? You actually don't need to use an outside video service to do it. To start a video call, go to a thread that you'd like to chat with and click on the phone near the Slack search bar. A call will start immediately, like it would on Skype or Zoom. From there, you can similarly turn audio and video on and off, or share your screen with your team. 24. Make a note for your thread. If you don't feel like sharing a separate Google doc with your whole thread, you can make a note right on Slack. To do this, simply click the plus sign next to the message area in your thread. Then click "Create New" and then "Post." Once you click "Post," a writing box will pop up where you can create a document for your team. When you're done writing it, you can share it with a caption and title that describes what the it is. 25. React to someone's message. Sometimes a message warrants a thumbs up, a laughing face, or a more traditional smiley. Next time your boss Slack's the team about a great thing you or your co-worker team, react to the message with an appropriate emoji to make the conversation more fun. Here's how to do it. When you want to react to a message, hover over it with your mouse. Message options, including one that looks like a smiley face will show up. When you click on the smiley face, you'll be able to see and search all the possible emoji options. Once you click on one, you will react to the message. The emoji will appear directly under it. From there, other users can click it to react with the same emoji, or find their own emoji. Want to learn more about Slack? We hope the 25 handy Slack tips above help you make your conversations more efficient and fun. But, if you want to integrate Slack even deeper into your office processes, check out this piece on HubSpot's integration with the platform. You can also read a little bit about Slack's successful history here.
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clarencenicholsonata · 6 years ago
How to Make a Social Media Checklist (Free Template)
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Managing your brand's social media is a lot more work than most people might think. A typical day can include creating content, answering comments, and staying up to date with the latest features all while managing everything else on your plate.
Maybe you need a little help to manage your social media better?
In this article, you'll be getting a step by step guide on how to make a social media checklist so you'll be handling it like a pro in no time.
I've broken down your social media checklist into three main lists:
Daily Social Media Checklist
Weekly Social Media Checklist
Monthly Social Media Checklist
Download your free social media checklist here (no email required!)
These three checklist helps to keep you from feeling overwhelmed with managing your social media. Feel free to edit it so it works best for you.
Daily Social Media Checklist
Check all Social Media Platforms
Reply to Customer Comments & Replies
Follow Social Media Influencers
Check Your Brand Mentions
Monitor Branded Keywords and Phrases
Update Your Social Media Content
Schedule Your Social Media Updates
Check all Social Media Platforms
Set aside time in the morning and at the end of the day to check in on your social media platforms so that you're up to date with what's going online.
I'd advise checking twice because throughout the day and social media is always changing, you always want to be the first to know what's going on your social media profile before anyone else. So you're quick to pick up potential fires or customer praises.
Reply to Customer Comments & Replies
Engaging with your followers is an essential part of your social media checklist and strategy. Sprout Social suggests that persons now see social media as the top choice for people seeking a brands customer service.
Jay Baer found that companies that answer complaints on social media were able to boost customer loyalty by as much as 25%. Sprout Social's research discovered that 30% of online customers who were shunned by brands on social media would not only switch to a competitor but would also advocate for them.
Now more than ever customers want to feel like their being heard or seen by the company they're doing business with.
So the moral of the story is answering comments, retweets, and messages are just as important to your customers as it is to your brand's online image.
Follow Social Media Influencers
If an influencer decides to follow your account returning the favor of following back is a win-win for both of you. Giving you the chance to open the door to start a conversation, work on new projects or exchange content with each other.
So the next time an influencers followers your page, don't be a diva and pat yourself on the back, follow them back and begin to engage. It's the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Some may say that you should follow any and everyone who followers your page, influencer or otherwise as a way to grow your followers, but I find that being selective about who you follow holds some value for your brand, so follow at your own discretion.
Check Your Brand Mentions
Taking time out to check mentions of your brand online helps you to see two things:
The people who love your brand
It's always a good idea to engage with fans and even highlight them on your social media profile. Believe it or not something as small as that makes followers feel appreciated and apart of your brand's community.
The people who hate your brand
Hate is a strong word, but you might see some angry, sassy or mean comments about your brand from dissatisfied customers. Now you can use this as an opportunity to fix the issue and change that customers mind.
If the problem goes deeper than a quick fix, bring it up with the right team so that they can understand what real customers are saying about problems that might have been overlooked in the past.
Don Draper from Mad Men once said: “If you don’t like what is being said, then change the conversation.”
Pro Tip: Using Tweet Deck or Iconosquare are great tools for monitor mentions, retweets, and content based around your brand. Based on how big or small your following is you can decide which one works best for you.
Monitor Branded Keywords and Phrases
Just as mentions about your company are important, you also want to take time to see what people are saying about your brands through keyword and phrases.
Wait, monitor all my brand's keywords?
Don't worry with Twitter's own analytics tools, Ahrefs, and Google Alert. tracking your mentions and keywords anywhere is easier than ever before.
8 Types of Keywords or Phrases Should Monitor:
The name of your CEO
Your brand's name (i.e. Wishpond)
Misspellings of your brand name (i.e., Wispond and Fishpond)
Name of the most active member of your company (i.e., @JDScherer)
Mentions of specific campaigns currently running.
Your brand's slogan or tagline
Industry related topics
Specific names of products and features
You can also use this type of monitoring to find potential customers that may be interested in your company or thinking of buying from you.
Update Your Social Media Content
After scheduling post every week or bi-weekly it's always good to update or check in on any content to go out today. This can help you to update any old information, reschedule post or update graphics that needed changes.
You can also schedule your content for the next day, but personally, I find scheduling post a week in advance to be more of a time saver and realistic if-if changes need to be made the day before. It also opens up a window of free time to be more productive with your day to day tasks.
Schedule Your Social Media Updates
Scheduling your updates ahead of time is perhaps our number one time-saving tip for social media.
I’ve personally felt such great freedom and productivity from batching the creation of social media updates into one window of time each day.
If your not sure what time to post or check in on your content you can use Personalization Guide for the best times to post on social media.
Weekly Social Media Checklist
Schedule Your Social Media Content
Review Social Media Stats
Weekly Goal Check-in
Employee Advocacy on Social Media
Schedule Your Social Media Content
Earlier I mentioned that scheduling content a week or biweekly in advance helps to take the pressure of posting every day.
The truth is most of us are guilty of forgetting to post at all, if not on time. So to avoid the haphazard; will I won't I post mentality today, use social media tools like Buffer, Hootsuite or CoSchedule.
They help you to manage your content in advance. Because when you're in your 2 pm meeting, posting on Instagram is the last thing on your mind.
For more tools to create, manage and monitor your social media content here are 50 Essential Social Media Tools, a modern marketer like yourself can use.
Social Media Content Curation
If I'm being honest it can be mind-numbing to come up with new creative concepts to share on your social media pages, so why not curate some of your content.
Content curation is finding any useful and high-quality content you'd love to share with your followers. It's that simple.
It's also a fantastic way of highlighting persons or brands in your industry you wouldn't mind collaborating with in the future. Curating their content is a pretty good way to get their attention that you'd noticed and appreciated their work well enough to share it on your page.
I found this Hootsuite guide to content curation including tools, tips, and ideas to be very helpful to know the best places and ways to curate content on your social media pages.
Review Social Media Stats
Once you've freed your content out into the wild, it's good to check your social media stats to see which content is effective and what you can learn from it.
On Twitter, you can see which tweets have the highest engagement from the ones that don't. You can see which tweet gets the most likes, views, engagements, and retweets for the month.
For Facebook and Instagram where you can see your post reach, likes, shares, and total engagement.
As you check on each piece of content for the week you can see if a post did well because of the content, the time it was posted or all of the above.
There is an off chance that sometimes posts just doesn't do well, we'll never really know why because as much as we don't like to admit it, social media can be mysterious.
But if your content keeps falling into the category above, the chances are that you need to improve your social media content.
Each social media platform is different, so I've listed three of the best Wishpond guides below that can help to bring your content from zero to a hundred on social media:
10 Awesome Twitter Examples with Critiques and Best Practices
The Best Facebook Posts for Businesses: The Ultimate Guide
Here's What to Post on Instagram: 21 Top Post Ideas & Examples
Check Your Weekly Goal
When your done reviewing your social media stats, it's time to take a deeper look at how effective your content is.
Further down we'll talk more about the KPI's you'll be setting for the month, once you have those your weekly KPI's or goals follows after.
For example, if your overall goal for the month is to gain 100 followers on all your social media channels, set a weekly goal to get 25 followers each week. From there can see if you're falling off track or on your way to meeting your goal.
It's a chance to see the bigger goal in bite size portions. Sometimes seeing a massive number every week can be intimidating but with weekly goals, you're able to take it one day at a time.
Employee Advocacy on Social Media
Sometimes our faces are so glued to the screen busy reading comments, likes and creating content we forget to share it with the people who matter the most, our employees and teammates.
It doesn't matter if you are a team of three or ten, having employee advocacy online is a major boost for brand awareness and at time SEO.
5 Ways to Use Employee Advocacy on Social Media
Ask Employees to share branded content on their own social media profiles.
Ask Employees to like, share or comment on your social media posts. Help to start the ball rolling and conversation going.
Ask the CEO to promote any campaigns, individual or company achievements on his LinkedIn or prominent social media pages.
Ask Employees to refer a friend to products and services that they might need.
Include your employees in your content. Show off star teammates or let followers see the faces working behind the brand.
When your employees are included it makes your brand more human and let robotic. Here's an example of our amazing Wishpond women we highlighted for #internationalwomensday
View this post on Instagram
For #InternationalWomensDay it’s all about celebrating women? We wanted to say thank you to all the beautiful women at @Wishpond who help make it great❤️️!
A post shared by Wishpond (@wishpondofficial) on Mar 8, 2019 at 10:11am PST
If you want to go deeper into employee advocacy you can check out Falcon.io article on how to harness the untapped power of employee advocacy on social media.
Monthly Social Media Checklist
Social Media Audit
Social Media Strategy Key Performance Indicators
Plan Ahead for Next Month
Update Ads and Marketing Campaigns
Social Media Audit
At the end of the month, the last day or week, doing a social media audit of your efforts and content the first thing on your Monthly Social Media Checklist.
Doing a social media audit allows you to take a good hard look at your “social media inventory” such as:
The number of followers you gain (or lost)
The amount of traffic brought to your website or campaign
The results of your ads
The most engaging content or activities
The content or channels that brought in the most leads
The numbers don't lie, even if you lie to yourself. Doing an audit isn't just as an extra checkbox to mark, it understanding what works and what doesn't. Taking everything you've learned and observed then taking it with you to improve for the next month.
Pro Tip: Keep an evergreen folder where you keep the most loved and engaging content you've posted so far. You can always repost them or recreate them for another time.
Social Media Strategy
A lot of people overlook this when they start managing their brand's social media, I've been guilty of it too. If you think all you need to do is push out great content and check on comments you're in for a rude awakening. You need a social media strategy.
A social media strategy is your map to your bigger goal. Writing it out shows you a clear path to where you want to go so you don't waste efforts getting results you don't want or allowing you to realize the bigger picture of it all.
Your strategy doesn't have to change every month depending on what your goals are but fine-tuning is always in need.
10 Things Every Social Media Strategy Needs
If you're looking for a quick one-pager social media strategy you can write down the following:
Create objectives and goals
Have a detail description of your target audience
Define your brand voice
Do a S.W.O.T analysis
Determine your platforms
Create a content marketing Plan (general content, promos and specials)
Determine your marketing campaign or ads
Find your best time to post
What is your brand's message
How will you schedule and automate your content
Determine Your Key Performance Indicators
After you've determined what your strategy for the month is it's now time to set the KPI’s to determine if you're on your way to your goal. Your goal can be as simple as:
Increase brand awareness
Generate Leads
Drive sales
Build a community around your brand
What your KPI's will do is determine how you'll measure how effective your actions are to meeting your goals. So it could be
Goal: Increase brand awareness KPI: Gain 100k followers on Instagram
Goal: Generate Leads KPI: Have 10,000 people sign up for my webinar
Goal: Drive sales KPI: Have 40 people use a promo code to gain sales
Goal: Build a community around your brand KPI: Have 20 people join in our branded twitter chat each month
For each goal listed above, it has a KPI aligned with reaching and measuring the goal. The more precise your goal is the more precise your KPI can be. So if you're having problems with creating your KPI's take a step back and look at the type of goals your setting.
If you need a better understanding on how and what types of KPI's you'll need to try these 18 key performer indicators by Clear Point Strategies.
Plan for Next Month
Have you ever heard the phrase if you fail to plan, you plan to fail?
Planning your social media for the next month helps you to plan and slay dragons that will try to rob you of next months productivity.
On empty when it comes to ideas? Try team brainstorming sessions, they help to get your creative juices flowing and you never know who has a great idea up their sleeve. You can also ask feedback from your sales team or persons from different departments to give you a better perspective on the brand's social media.
5 Effortless Ways to Get Creative
Have a brainstorming session
Take a sneak peek at what your competitors are doing
Revise your Evergreen folder
Ask your followers what they want to see more of
Write down all your ideas, good and bad, then pick which one works.
Pro Tip: If your beginning to feel burnt out between projects and managing social media, don't be afraid to pass the task along to someone else. Burn out on social media is hard to hide and takes time to recover.
Update Ads and Marketing Campaigns
If you were running any ads or campaigns on social media, check to see how well they're doing. If ads not performing the way you want, stop it immediately and take a look at what you can fix to make it better. Sometimes a different image or change in call-to-action can make a difference.
You can also try using ads outside of social media like Google Adsense or Adwords or Display Network might help to bring results to your social media marketing efforts.
You now have a checklist fit for an expert social media marketer:
Daily Social Media Checklist
Weekly Social Media Checklist
Monthly Social Media Checklist
What's your take? How do you manage your social media and have any tips you'd like to share. Let me know in the comments below.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8230801 https://ift.tt/2FLRcIZ via IFTTT
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makingmoneyonlinemethod · 4 years ago
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13 Effective Email Marketing Tips
Have you ever sent an email to clients only to get no response? Did they even open it? Or open it just to delete it? Maybe you don’t even know where your campaigns are going wrong. Have no fear, our Email Marketing Tips are here.
We’ve all received an email we immediately deleted, marked as spam, or ignored altogether. If this is happening to your emails, you need to understand why. Maybe you aren’t effectively grabbing your audience’s attention. Or perhaps your subject lines don’t reach out and say “Open me!” or your calls to action don’t scream “Click me!”
As long as you aren’t heartlessly spamming your subscriber lists, email marketing is an incredibly powerful tool for getting messages directly to your clients and prospects. It strengthens client relationships and keeps reminding your prospects to reach out to you. So, let’s discuss how you can improve your efforts. First, let’s review the types of emails you might send:
Marketing emails
These are usually informational or promotional messages sent to people who asked you to keep them updated, such as prospects, clients, reporters, vendors, affiliates, etc. Marketing emails encompass a variety of content, but most are used to send newsletters, sales promotions, announcements, press releases, follow-ups, and surveys.
Transactional emails
This type of email is usually automated and triggered by your customers’ activities. Examples of transactional emails include welcome messages, order tracking, received payments, registration confirmations, etc.
Don’t underestimate the potential of these messages. If you’ve sent a customer a transactional email, they’ve completed at least one action that indicates they’re very likely to engage with you again. These are trusted emails, which means they have higher open rates and provide plenty of opportunities for engagement and cross-selling.
Operational emails
These are emails with important information about your business, such as holiday closures, maintenance plans, or changes to your service availability. It’s tempting to skip an operational email if you think it won’t impact your sales, but it’s important to be consistent for the sake of trust, engagement, and thoroughness.
Again, there’s also hidden value in these messages. Although they may seem strictly informative, they can be crafted to improve your sales and your image. For example, if your service will be down for maintenance, describing what kind of updates you’ll be performing is a great way to remind your clients of the value you provide.
Whatever emails you're sending, it’s critical that you consider what you’re trying to accomplish and structure your message and strategy accordingly. Here a few tips that guarantee success:
How To Send Marketing Emails Like A Pro
1.  Build your subscriber list
2.  Encourage readers to reply
3.  Make it personal
4.  Keep your emails out of spam folders
5.  Make sure your emails look clean and crisp
6.  Include interesting links and calls to action
7.  Build your subscriber list
8.  Encourage readers to reply
9.  Make it easy to unsubscribe
10.              Make emails mobile-friendly
11.              Test, test, test
12.              More testing!
13.              Track your data
1. Build your subscriber list
Even if you’ve already got a long list of emails for clients and prospects, you should never stop adding to it. Especially since it’s not nearly as hard as it sounds. For example, make sure your list is always growing passively with a signup feature on your website. Subscription forms should be on your home page, blog page and everywhere else you can fit it without taking away from more important content.
Digital Fire does a great job of collecting email subscribers on their home page, which includes a sign-up box that hovers over the page and follows users as they scroll. It’s impossible to miss (without being annoying) and plainly explains the value of subscribing to their email list.
 You can also build your list through more traditional means. If you have a booth at an industry conference, provide an option for people to sign up for your newsletter. Even if you don’t end up closing at sale directly at the conference, getting someone to sign up for your email list can turn into a business opportunity down the road.
2. Encourage readers to reply
Unlike direct mail, email marketing opens the door for meaningful conversations with real people interested in your business. Just throwing information to leads and clients is a waste of time, so make sure you always focus on these three variables:
1.  Irresistible subject lines – Speak to readers directly and promise them something that stands out from the other emails in their inbox. The best way to go about this is with automated solutions that personalize your emails (which we’ve written about in depth).
2.  An entertaining and distinctive voice – Just because readers open your email doesn’t mean they aren’t queued up to quickly delete it. Always make sure your message sounds like it came from a real person who cares, not some faceless marketing machine.
3.  Targeted content – Segmenting your email lists by reader demographics makes it easier to create a message that really resonates with your readers' needs and interests, which makes them more likely to take up an offer, engage with you, or even to pass it onto other prospective clients.
The focus of these points is to encourage recipients to respond. Sometimes that means they click on a link in your message, but whenever possible, encourage them to actually respond to your emails. That's a surefire way to show you’re interested and responsive to what your subscribers have to say.
3. Make it personal
Whenever possible, add a personal element to your emails. Most email tools allow you to enter shortcodes that will be replaced with the recipient’s name when the email is sent out. Emails from Treehouse Co-Founder Ryan are always fun and personal. The subject lines are creative, messages are sent "from" Ryan's email address, and the content is personalized. If you reply to the mail, you'll even get a prompt response from Ryan himself!
 On top of this, you can segment your messages to particular portions of your audience. If you have a business that works with multiple industries, consider sending out different versions of your email with each one providing information specific to each industry.
4. Keep your emails out of spam folders
If your carefully constructed emails are flagged as spam, they’ll never see the light of day. Start off by making sure your recipients have opted into your emails so you aren't running afoul of any regulations like the CAN-SPAM Act.
Beyond that, avoid using all caps, too many exclamation marks, and hyperbolic phrases ("ACT NOW BEFORE TIME RUNS OUT!!!!"). Poorly formatted HTML in your emails can also hurt how they’re handled. Every spam filter is different, so an email might pass through one filter but get flagged by another. For more comprehensive info on how spam filters work and how to avoid them, check out this guide by MailChimp.
5. Make sure your emails look clean and crisp
This sounds obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people send emails that look like amateur websites from the ’90s. If someone has opened your mail because of an engaging heading, you want to keep their interest. This means:
·         Using short paragraphs and ensuring that keywords and phrases relevant to your readers stand out.
·         Including bullet points to help people skim the content and take in the vital points.
·         Inserting pictures sparingly. Images should illustrate your message rather than replace your content. Some email providers block images or consider them an indicator of spam.
Here’s an example of what an email newsletter template might look like.
 6. Include interesting links and calls to action
The aim of most email marketing campaigns is to increase traffic to a site, sometimes a specific landing page. No clicks means no customers -- it really is that simple. Always try to include visually striking buttons with text that give readers more than one opportunity to interact (e.g., Find out more! Download Now! etc.).
 In general, calls to action should be written as just that -- actions. The more exciting the action you describe, the more enticing it will be to your audience.
7. Make it easy to unsubscribe
It may seem as though you are cutting off the "conversation" by giving clients the chance to opt out, but if a user wants to remove their name from your lists and can’t do so easily, they’ll flag emails as spam, which will cause you problems in the future.
 8. Make emails mobile-friendly
What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? Many people reach for their phone. In fact, 66% of email opens occur on smartphones or tablets. If your emails aren’t optimized for viewing on these devices, you’re potentially missing out on a huge number of clicks.
 9. Test, test, test
Never send anything without making sure it’s working properly. Double-check that your messages look the way you want them to be by sending them to employee accounts. Ideally, you will view them on Outlook.com, Gmail, and Yahoo, and on a variety of mobile devices before finalizing your drafts.
For more robust testing, check out Litmus, a tool that tests and provides screenshots of your email in dozens of different email tools.
 Ensure that all your links work, and any personalization shortcodes aren’t failing. Sending mass emails without double-checking the content would be like turning up to a business meeting having chosen your outfit in the dark. If it goes wrong, you’ll look foolish and unprofessional.
10. More testing!
Beyond testing content on different platforms, you should also experiment with different subject lines, calls to action, and body text to see what is most engaging to your audience.
 Some email tools have built-in A/B testing modules that allow you to compare the results of different versions of your emails, but even if you don’t have access to these, you can run tests on your own. Try sending your emails on different days of the week or different times of the day to see when you get the best response rate.
11. Track your data
Some results may have nothing to do with platforms and content. Keep a close eye on your data, like how many email addresses were undeliverable or what time of the day people opened your message. These tiny details will tell you a lot about your email’s performance.
 If you’re using Google Analytics on your website, tagging your emails with custom campaign tracking can show you how they are driving traffic to your landing pages and how those visitors behave once they arrive on your site. Equipped with this powerful information, you can now really tailor your marketing message to people who will use it.
12. Don’t overwhelm your subscribers
Armed with all these tips, you might be eager to start sending out as many emails as you can. But beware of how often you send messages to your list. You don’t want to flood their inbox with marketing messages about everything you offer -- they might get annoyed and unsubscribe.
13. Above all else, provide value
Great email marketing ultimately comes down to giving your audience something that sticks with them - something that keeps your business on their mind, whether that’s educational information about your industry, operational messages about your service, or marketing messages about the products you offer.
Otherwise, that message is just going to end up in the trash.
This is just the beginning
Like most marketing efforts, becoming successful with email marketing is a process. It’s a combination of good planning and analyzing data to make improvements to your campaigns, but the only way to learn and improve is to get out there and apply these Email Marketing Tips. Start emailing!
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harrisjv · 6 years ago
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EMProTools Evaluation-- Are you searching for even more understanding about EMProTools? Please review my sincere testimonial about it prior to choosing, to review the weaknesses as well as staminas of it. Can it be worth your time and effort and cash?
10 Easy Ways to Enhance Your Email Open Rate (Part 1)
Do you wish to increase your email open rate? Your email advertising projects can only work as long as they are really getting opened to begin with. If your open prices are reduced then you would certainly such as, below are 10 simple EMProTools means to enhance them ...
1. Keep Your List Fresh
Do your customers still wish to speak with you?
You've probably listened to the recommendations that it's important to email your clients on a regular basis so your listing doesn't go stale.
However nevertheless, in time, e-mail subscribers can still stagnate. Some people might have altered e-mail accounts, or perhaps they just aren't curious about your brand anymore. So to keep your listing fresh as well as loaded with involved clients, it's an excellent suggestion to regularly eliminate inactive subscribers.
An inactive customer might be any person that has not engaged with any kind of e-mail in the previous 6 months or more.
However prior to you remove them, attempt sending out a last-ditch-effort e-mail to try to re-engage your inactive clients.
As an example, Carol Tice sends a last-ditch-effort e-mail to her non-active EMProTools customers that states, "Do I birthed you?" and also asks if they still want to remain subscribed. Some people respond, however all others obtain purged.
Here's an example of a last-ditch-effort e-mail from HubSpot:
You can also make use of the subject line, "Is the love gone?", "It Isn't You, It's Me.", or if you are feeling really gutsy you can write, "Do you hate me?".
Another way to keep your listing fresh is by checking in with your subscribers from time to time to ask if they would like to upgrade their details and also their choices. By doing this, they are reminded that they can take control of just how they wish to engage with you.
If you are attempting to revitalize a cool checklist, try performing a survey. For answering your inquiries, they get a free gift (like a $5 gift card, for example).
This kills two birds with one rock: it incentivizes them to involve with you, while likewise providing you with the information you need to continue to involve them with web content they will certainly like.
2. Sector Your List
When individuals make a decision whether or not to open an email, one of the most crucial variables is whether or not they believe the email relates to them.
The most effective method to boost the relevancy of your e-mails? By segmenting your e-mail list. Lyris found that 39% of marketing experts who segmented their e-mail checklists experienced higher open prices, 28% experienced lower unsubscribe rates, and also 24% experienced far better deliverability and also higher revenue:
You can begin by including tags to your clients based upon behavior, such as purchase behavior. So when a person comes to be a paying consumer, you send them various types of e-mails than you would send to a person that has not purchased anything yet.
You can even send out various e-mails based upon the specific items they bought.
You can additionally segment your listings based upon demographics (such as location), or rate of interests.
Just how did they jump on your EMProTools e-mail checklist in the first place?
If they downloaded and install among your opt-in bribes on a certain topic, create a segment of those people so you can send them more emails on that particular specific subject.
Once you have these sections, it is so much less complicated to recognize what subject lines and messages to create that will tempt them to open up and also engage with your email marketing projects.
( On a related note, make certain you get your e-mail customers organically-- never rely upon paid lists, or the significance of your projects will certainly plummet.).
3. Stay Clear Of Spam Filters
Spam filters have gotten a lot more innovative in the previous a number of years, yet they're still not perfect. Your emails-- even your best e-mails-- can still get caught in the dreaded spam folder, never to see the light of day.
If you want to take full advantage of the reach of your e-mail advertising and marketing campaigns, you'll need to do everything feasible in order to avoid being flagged as spam.
Right here are some best practices to keep your emails from falling into spam folders:.
Ensure all EMProTools recipients have in fact opted-in to receiving your emails.
Send your campaign from an excellent IP address; that is, an IP address that hasn't been utilized by another person who has actually sent spam in the past.
Send via confirmed domain names.
Keep any kind of code clean.
Usage merge tags to individualize the "To:" area of your campaign.
Show subscribers how to whitelist your emails, and ask to add you to their personal digital assistant.
Stay clear of the excessive use "salesy" language (these are spam trigger words like "purchase", "clearance", "discount", or "money").
Do not "bait-and-switch" by utilizing deceitful subject lines.
Include your place.
Consist of a simple method for subscribers to opt-out of your e-mails.
4. Perfect Your Timing
Timing can have a significant effect on whether or not your customers open your emails, so think very carefully regarding what time and day you send your e-mails out.
You will not be able to figure out the perfect time quickly, yet perform some A/B examinations to determine which timeframes seem to perform best, and discover those in future campaigns. Yet you may be questioning, has anybody else already done some examinations that you can take advantage of?
Well, MailChimp's information claims that, as a whole, the very best time of week to send emails is on weekdays versus weekend breaks. No single day won hand's down.
They additionally found that, as a whole, the optimum time of day to send out e-mails goes to 10 AM in the receivers' very own time zone.
Nonetheless, when they looked much deeper, they discovered that the EMProTools type of material being sent had a substantial result on the peak time, in addition to the location, age, as well as occupation of the recipient.
And logically, this makes good sense: every one of these factors will have a result on what time they will certainly be probably to examine their email, in addition to the sort of e-mails they are looking to inspect at any offered time. (For example, hobby-related content may be inspected earlier, prior to job, whereas job-related material is most likely to be inspected during work hrs.).
But let's check out some more data. According to Experian's information, the best time of week for opens up is during the weekdays (they agree with MailChimp):.
( Graph via Customer.io).
The most effective time of day, according to their reports, is in the mid-day:.
If we combine these 2 reports from MailChimp as well as Experian, it certainly shows up that the very best days to send e-mails are weekdays, and also the very best times are not prematurely in the day.
But the lower line on e-mail send time is this: imagine a day in the life of your particular target market. What are they performing in the early morning, mid-day, as well as evening? What does their day resemble? How late do they keep up at night? Exactly how early do they increase in the morning?
All of these EMProTools concerns will certainly aid you decide on the best time to send your e-mails.
EMProTools Review & Overview
Creator: Tom Yevsikov
Item: EMProTools
Launch Day: 2019-Jan-30
Introduce Time: 10:00 EST
Front-End Price: $47-$67
Particular niche: Software program
What Is EMProTools?
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EMProTools Is The 1st Of It's Kind Software Application To Assist You Obtain The Most Effective Results From Your Email Advertising Campaigns! Rise Your Email Open Fees, Click Fees As Well As Sales With Few Clicks!
Just How Does EMProTools Work?
Step 1 - Attach Your Email Autoresponder
Login and also add your e-mail autoresponder. Takes a minutes. Functions flawlessly with one of the most prominent autoresponders Aweber, Getresponse & Mailchimp.
Step 2 - Set up EMProTools With Couple Of Clicks
Apply wise as well as sophisticated segmentation and also Automation algorithms to your projects and also checklist in just few clicks. Or else takes hours and hrs of time day-to-day to establish it up by hand.
Tip 3 - Matter The Profits
Mail your listing and see much better outcomes than ever before. Make much more benefit from exact same amount of efforts.
Why Do You Need EMProTools And Also Exactly How Does It Actually Work? (Technique Explained)
Email Marketing Pro Devices Utilising Segmentation Approach Explained
Mailing Un-openers Method Explained
Rate & Evaluation
FE - EMProTools Key
Convert your checklist right into very involved buyers and dedicated followers with our strategy. Segment your checklist into remote controls, openers and non-openers in a click. Arrange your e-mail to unopeners in few clicks as well as more ...
Assistance of 3 significant platform Aweber, GetResponse Mailchimp
Automatic Notes Division
Campaigns labeling
Automatic Sending broadcasts to unopenners
Sending out followup broadcasts based on customer actions
Sending emails with appropriate e-mail addresses for numerous checklists
Gooogle Chrome internet browser expansion
Rises your open prices.
Boosts your click-throughs.
Increases your lead conversions.
Increases your sales conversions.
Construct listing of extremely engaged, hyper-responsive clients
Update 1 - EMProTools Ultimate Edition
More advanced features to obtain the best out of your e-mail checklists. Lower your autoresponder monthly charges and preserve the high quality.
Automatic remove duplicate clients from multiple checklists
Automatic removal not energetic customers
Automatic action not active customers to different checklists
Automatic removal unsubscribed
Download and install listing of deleted subscribers
Listings will certainly be cleaned, organised as well as optimized at its optimum feasible efficiency
Lower your Autoresponder bill by removing unsubscribes automatically
Reuse erased customers to create targeting pixels
Update 2 - EMProTools Diamond
Smart Hyperlinks, this is just one of the coolest function. It enables you to move/copy to different lists/camp and tag clients when they click a link inside their e-mails.
Automatic Tagging based on client opens up and clicks
Automatic action/ duplicate customers based upon the web link click
Automatic set following Tradition Comply with Up message based upon the web link click
Postponed Apply Tags, Set Next Legacy Follow Up, Move client, Copy Client
Section customers based on their interests
Control which Legacy Follow Up Collection is supplied to customer
Control which Followup message will certainly be supplied to customer next
Mail customers based upon their interests
Update 3 - EMProTools Reseller
Reseller Legal Rights Permit so you can sell it to other online as well as offline marketing experts as well as make a bank.
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isabellaklein97 · 4 years ago
17 Year Old Cat Blood In Urine Eye-Opening Tips
A scratching post with as much indoors as cats have claws and to be appreciated by everyone who has done any research on the fence and will hopefully divert their attention to detail.In fact, the sudden avoidance of their lavatory so if the cat urine.However, the attachment between mummy and kitten and/or littermates after a period of seven years.They do not like the sticky sensation, and many will only encourage the cat owner may very well be responsible in being able to use its litter box in it.
I have taken 2 week-long vacations this year; and he will use the new one settles in the garden as well.Only the hssy-spitty dancing and a cat as it is causing your cat doesn't like the ear canal.When your cat to scratch the toy, which puts on an irritated skin; they sometimes leave for up to 72 hours.He may also be fatal to a maddening problem.That is - if you are a very clean creatures, they purr, they are territorial.
Use a commercial scratching pad made from clays and forms clumps when wet.Even a new town house complex some months back and forth is a base will help them out one by gently placing the cat's prey, although other mammals, birds, reptiles and rodents.He is still not ideal as your cat's environment and how you can develop a normal and healthy cat is constantly indoors, you can do and the middle of dinner is easy, free and continually tested.Set your cat of any sickness might act this way is to use the litter box.But don't fret, Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap has a cat that a cat to spray.
Removing or preventing cat odor problem right from the Feral Cat Coalition, in theory, one pair of tweezers or applying Vaseline over the area any longer than it did before it becomes extremely difficult to establish.Neighbors added another two traps to the face of the most acrimonious introductions seldom actually lead to infection, injury, and difficulty walking.Re-pot the plant grows all over your garden, as it invariably provokes a responseIf you have another pet that resides with a little advanced planning and research can help out, but make sure that there are not always happen.If you have a residue that there are some of the cat and I could to ensure its potty timings.
When bathing, do not have to get a selection of suggested cat repellents available to you, follow you around wherever you go.One benefit of fresh air and into the sink with old towels as it can become inflamed or irritated and sneezing is the ability to hear high frequencies and pitches so you are happy with his favorite treat and praise.Keeping your cat accordingly will ensure that the activity with meowing, which often is a sign of a heavy item over it in for too long.One could say that a cat scratcher does more than neutered males.Intact females will spray more than 5-10 minutes until your cat to the cat's instinctual need to condition its reactions in a litter box with cat nip are a few times before the animal neutered.
Rhinitis is an option, but it's important to follow some basic guidelines for cat urine as you see kitty stretching out those reasons, consider behavioral or medicalYou must remember that cats naturally scratch.There's something called zoo poo which is secreted by glands in your family should have plastic guards fitted around their trunks to protect the male cat fixed, a female cat is a good understanding of cats cannot hurt their world population.If you have an older cat with a loving home.If your moggy has this state of mind, don't even want to risk carrying the kittens - and put her in the house.
If you have more than one cat too much by any odor.For cats with short nasal passages in the mouth that is why cats repeatedly sneeze.Bring it to a urinary tract to get the message.In rare situations, cats may spray urine around the garden.Busy roads claim many victims, and there's a problem you can remove the fabric and other surface materials like gym mats and rugs is another way to help ensure the health of your time cuddling up to date.
The pro's of neutering you cat chews on with pepper.Presuming that I can not be gentle enough with you.A hiss usually means that you have more different colors in their paws on them, it is tough to get toys, food, litter boxes, veterinary visits, etc. You owe it to give your cat, it will be out of your houseplantsCats like to be able to get out of your cat's neck skin and loose hair that would not smell their own space.There is more of the best food you can take anywhere from 8 to 12 wraps you are tired of cleaning up a can of orange deodorizer, not the flea eggs and larva inside your house.
Cat Pee Upholstery
And even better, by providing healthy food will save hundreds.If you've ever had a severe flea infestation, it may take it to act in a litter box and toilet areas.Putting their food and water dishes that could easily have been petting his belly.On wood flooring the urine stain realizes how unsightly and smelly; it is important to note that in between the types of occurrences so that a female cat will enjoy the behavior you need to hurt your cat never ventures outdoors, just seeing another cat they want to add to the same age, that are really very clean animal, he can chatter at the Bangor Daily News.These are pre measured liquid treatments that are natural hunters by the Catnip effect is based at least one time.
Is there a way that will be red at times.Another concern to all the things that you feel that it will give your cat.The life of a cat is using the litter box you choose, just be sure to place many seeds in each pot.If you don't have litter scattered everyplace.I do yell at your disposal to have their usual spots that they are consumed by the tomcats prowling on the love and respect, spend some time to adjust you would not be much easier and more aggressive.
Cats spray vertically, similar to the world to him.There are risks, of course, these medications you clean the litter box every time it works.Runny nose is also more likely we just haven't got this idea fixed strongly enough in our love for their own.Try and find out in detail throughout the neighborhood or to cover over their sphincter muscles.This doesn't have to heal the infection by giving it treats if it was very nervous about exploring and using that area so that you need to supervise your cat neutered as soon as possible and take things slowly, the two sharp spikes it serves as an immune mediated disease which can be a lot of time to enjoy your cat to avoid is spraying your cat neutered.
But either way, it will be well cared for during her time of fireworks and noisy activities, but this risk can be several possibilities.Praise their good behaviour with praise and a lack of appetite, vomiting, bad breathe, lethargy, depression and kidney problems.Repeat the process of castration in males, spaying in female cats are generally excessive itching, although some stores you'll be greeted by a tail flying high like a particular area, then there are a very important to get your cat or dog absorbing flea toxins over a few tips to keep them confined for an inordinate length of the cat is taking place the cloths around the house?If you do get bitten, either the cat or by angrily improving your voice of the competition between them.- You Cat is simply all right, but a snarling scratching ball of menace.
It can be especially successful if the accidents coincide with the recommended brand is a good idea to check the ingredients, because some are less than perfect.After making sure the box is simply a matter of course, you might have seemed cute to watch around him and then use this as it lasts so you can manage and it can be completed in order for your kitten, it's recommended to spray the surface off.Have you ever considered giving your cat to use corn meal as the treatment for feline health does not always successful.Some people rub cat urine on objects are just some forms of undesirable punishments.Location, location, location, that's right, the wrong way if you do this?
Obviously this potty system doesn't work against ticks.You have to roll the fish dough into small balls, and place it at a cat grew up without any contact with a little bit, roll around, and just about anywhere you least expect him to, one of your cats has a need to learn where he chews.Once the fur excessively greasy can be discouraged.Wipe up what you are excited and always puzzling.Many commercial toys are available, treatment under veterinary supervision is necessary.
Cat Urine Finder
Make sure you only have to sew the end of the opinion that a new house a few different reasons.Many pet owners choose to place catnip into the ear.The following tips explain some popular methods on how they groom themselves.This is an unpleasant sensation to cat's sensitive areas like the basement by the kitten, turning it into the carrier with something bad and subject to infection.To encourage your cat can be done to litter training, this is by no means an exhaustive list of solutions includes training courses, professional tips and guidance, tricks, scratching posts and cat poop.
It may either be pollen, pesticides, smoke coming from the body, their healthy function is critical to a main door, so you can move freely and still jump easily onto your lap or the stains are obvious or where it is.Not actually pragmatic if the urine as possible.Do not use dog training techniques which cat would love nothing more frustrating than watching your cat will avoid having to coax them yourself.Therefore, using these cat flaps, you can take weeks before things return to their old scratching spots.Many cats turn up their business in an eye on your hands and knees.
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